Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Man's Thoughts on a Possible Toast at Chelsea Clinton's Wedding

"I'd like to say a few words, for the two best, life-long friends that a person could have...Chelsea and what's-his-name...if I've learned anything from these two fun-lovin' kids, it's really can learn from your parents. Yes sir, Chelsea has learned that it's okay to live a life in the lap of absolute hedonism and at the top of the social strata, all the while condemning the very people who are making your life a living metaphor for living at the fucking pig's feeder. Look at the genius of her dad....working with the politics of condemning big business - like Goldman-Sachs - but betrothing his little girl to a fine young man who works for that very company. All the while screwing the hell out of the common, hard-working American by taxing the shit out of him. Sheer genius. Yes sir, Chelsea has had fine teachers.

What else have I learned? Well, that's easy...Chelsea is the embodiment of a false myth, in that only the beautiful girls get the guys with big bucks...Chelsea is as but-fucking ugly a girl as I've ever seen, but now she's got a sugar daddy. Here's to hoping that what's-his-name finds something hot on the side. With his cash, he sure should be able to.


Monday, July 26, 2010

The Liberal Litmus test


This test has been developed to find suitable candidates as potential employees at our ever growing government facilities nationwide. If you get any of these questions wrong, or, refuse to take the test entirely an unmarked, black Chevy Suburban will pull up to your home later tonight to pay you a visit. So relax, take your time and be sure to check your answers...No, really. Check your answers.

1: Are you now, or, have you ever been a member of the Communist Party, a Community Organizer, pot smoking hippie (and still is), and/or an avid fan of Michael Moore movies.


2: All Hollywood actors/acctress' are correct in their political assessments.


3: NASCAR fans are redneck, southern offspring of KKK members.


4: Tea Party members are redneck, southern offspring of KKK members.


5: In the SJC decision of Roe vs Wade, the court's decision was written into the Constitution and became a Constitutional right known as "a woman's right to choose".


6: The term "separation of church and state" is clearly written in the Constitution and has nothing to do with the free practice of religion (unless you are Muslim).


7: The educational curiculum is best decided by government committees and the Teacher's Union and not those abusive, Glenn Beck following parents.


8: On a scale of 1 to 10 are you satisfied with your current form of representation?


9: Everything in the Middle East is Israel's landgrabbing fault?

o Ahhh..

10: FOX News should be taken off the air to protect freedom of speech. Agree or Disagree?

o Be carefull on this one.(the Suburban is being gassed up as you answer)

Thank you for taking this survey. Your private information will be forwarded to all interested agencies in the Administration.
We look forward to re-educating....oops sorry..Welcoming you to OBATRON INDUSTRIES!!

Disclaimer: OBATRON INDUSTRIES is a subsidiary of SOROS CORPS. and is not responsible, under current election laws, for any of the content here in this questionaire. All rights of said applicants are null and void.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Proof! The Stimulus Is Working

Are you a male, female of any age, race, color, creed, orientation? Have you spent years in therapy with no closure in sight? Does everything offend you? Do you believe in Freedom of Speech while working overtime to squash any Conservative opinion what so ever?
If you answered 'yes' to just one of these questions we have a career opportunity for you!


We at OBATRON INDUSTRIES have a long seventy-five year history of tainting American history to suit the political needs of Liberals. We are looking for talented individuals with extensive experience in the fields of:

: Years spent at Liberal Colleges on public money.
: Associations with known Community Organizations.
: Election rigging.
: Planned Parenthood Volunteer.
: Greenpeace Volunteer.
: La Raza Volunteer.
: Protestor at any WTO meeting (especially if you have experience in destruction of private property or assaulting Police Officers).

Are you proficient in?

: Editting video to send a skewed message?
: Hacking into FOX News websites?
: Shouting down Conservative speakers at rallies?
: Forcing others to bend to your will for fear of an ACLU Lawsuit?
: Slandering some one as a racist with no, actual proof?

Then a career at OBATRON INDUSTRIES just may be the exact career you have been searching for!

Our clean, OSHA inspected, overly regulated, highly taxed (though we find ways to hide our earnings), Politically Correct, Handicap Accessible, gender neutral and allergy free factory is the envy of the Nationalized Industrial World! We spend more time on safety, "feel good" meetings and "sensitivity" training than we do actually getting anything produced on the factory floor. Our personnel have never filed a lawsuit against us because their lawyers are our lawyers!

Your potential earnings could be in the billions! It all depends on how little you want to work and how much you can siphon from some one else. We have a totally free Healthcare package paid for by our competition (the free market). Our retirement package includes a bailout derivative when your 401K goes down the toilet. All the vacations you want and thirty minute breaks for every fifteen minutes worked (As per SEIU Regs).

You most likely will be asked to take a pay cut or advance in position as more "undocumented workers" show up, un-announced at our factory looking for work. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer as long as you are undocumented, a minority, female, transgendered, and-or gay/lesbian/bi. White, heterosexual males will be considered on an "as needed" basis but must undergo an extensive CORI and criminal backround check, provide a blood sample and proof of political affiliation.

So click the link below to not fill out your application. No SS# or proof of citizenship required!

Thank you for applying to OBATRON INDUSTRIES!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I am never amazed at the lengths media and individuals will go to denigrate and demonize opposition. As a, once Liberal, I saw this in the 80's with the Ultra Right. The interesting thing is that it petered out because we all knew the tele-wanderlust's and Moral Majority people were lunatics. We are in a different place today.

The Socialist Liberals have over 75 years of slow, incremental gains that have inculcated various generations to their cause. While many of the Social changes have been good for this country (ie: Women's Rights, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, even regulations) many of these Legislative Acts have been marred by 'Earmarks' and various 'clauses' that promote bylaws and other regulations that have nothing to do with the original piece of Legislation. It went on then, it goes on now. Political Activists insert their agenda and hold hostage any politician who votes. You are supported if your vote is 'yes', you are publicly executed if you vote 'no'. Both parties do this.

Case in point: The Violence against Women Act. Contained wording that defined all men as abusers, supported separating couples to have the mothers have de-facto custody requiring men to prove their worth and pay support. No enforcement to require women to pay child support, Domestic Violence laws to be applied towards men who are in a S+M relationship where men are the Doms. No investigation of 51-A reports supplied by estranged female spouses, just instant arrest of the men reported on. Many Femi-Nazi lawyers encourage women to file these reports to buttress their cases for custody. In fact, entire States and Communities have adopted these rules resulting in an 85% defaulting of all custody battles to the mother! No recompensing if perjury is proven, an entire Probate System where "beyond a reasonable doubt" is null and void. The accuser need only point a finger. The State takes over the case. The Defendant spends life savings and has little chance of exonerating his name. Never mind getting his kids back.

That example was created during Clinton. He signed that Bill. It is ironic, that he was later caught in the trap he set himself with Monica Lewinski. He was seen as the 'aggressor', Monica, 'the victim'. Right!! Trust me, Monica had no problem being convinced to hike up her skirt and get on her knees..Many women, at the time, felt the same way. But the trap was set and media went after the kill.

Now, we see another perversion of the truth under media spotlight.

The Tea Party is a racist organization according to MSNBC, CNN, NBC, NAACP..The list goes on.

The video clip of the man with an M-4 slung on his shoulder. Main Stream Media failed to show he was a black man. A recent clip of a Neo-Nazi: Main Stream Media editted out the Tea Party people drumming him out and Police arresting him. Equating The Tea Party Express (totally separate organization) and the Chairman's racist rants with the grass roots Tea Party as one and the same. Black members being lumped into the same catagory as the Jewish prison guards during the Holocaust. Even Glenn Beck, who had the neice of Dr. MLK and a black pastor (running for Congress in Tx.) on his show is labelled a hate monger and a perverter of the tenets of Jesus Christ.

The sad thing is; we can fight this all we want. That (actually) is the purpose of these slanders. To take Conservatives 'off their guard' and divert the message. The more we fight the accusations the less time spent on the true message. It is all part of the plan..

My fear is some nutcase who picks up a rifle and does something stupid! Now the Liberals have a poster child to advertise! Now that Michelle Bachman has created the Tea Party Caucus in Congress. The fragile political movement we have created will be wisked away like your grandma sweeping a spider's web from a corner. We must be vigilant!

I shake my head as I watch the TV. I watch business' go on with life (all of them knowing what's in store), I watch the Gulf Spill, Legislation passed that cripples business. The Banking Bill, TARP, ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, the rhetoric against a grass roots movement (Liberals started this idea), regulations, taxes on our food, agencies created to tell us how to eat, drive, get medical care and I can hear a ghostly voice in the backround...

It is George Orwell, pounding, with his skeletal hand on his rotting casket screaming.."I told you so!!"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

If It Walks Like A Duck..

NORMAL PERSON: "Oh look there's a duck."

OBATRON: "That's not a duck. It is proof that the Stimulus is working."

NORMAL PERSON: "No, seriously, It's a duck. I know, I am an amateur bird
watcher. In fact, that's an Eastern Canvasback duck."

OBATRON: An 'amateur' bird watcher? So you have no formal training. What experience do you have that makes you so confident it is a Canvas--whatever duck?"

NORMAL PERSON: "I have been reading about birds since I was a kid, and I give tours at wildlife refuge's every month. Besides the Eastern Canvasback duck has a distinct dark brown head and black breast."

OBATRON: "Do you have a permit for those tours?"

NORMAL PERSON: "Excuse me?"

OBATRON: "It is obvious, you were neglected as a child and compensated by reading these supposed books on ducks, then you engage in risky behavior as an unlicensed wildlife pervert and your a racist."

NORMAL PERSON: "I'm a--a..Excuse me!!"

OBATRON: "Yeah, a racist! You were so quick to point out the brown head and black breast. Your entire wildlife buddies are made up of a bunch of Right Wing redneck racist."

NORMAL PERSON: "It's just a friggen duck!!"

OBATRON: "Well if you want to return to the policies that brought this country to where it is today, then you can just be cut out of the Social Justice Pie. I am calling the media and the Black Panthers to expose your hate mongering."


POLICE: "Mamm, is this man bothering you?"

OBATRON: "He certainly is officer, he even has photos of waterfowl."


POLICE: "You disgusting White-Anglo, Too bad you aren't an Illegal Mexican with a lengthy criminal record or this might have been your lucky day! Your comin' with me, Lets go!"


OBATRON: "There, there Mister Stimulus, have some bread I took from a wealthy family having a picnic. Even though they worked overtime to afford a day off with their children. You just showed up and deserve a fair share. Oh, look here come more of your friends over that fence, Ill just go get more of that bread."

" Quack, Quack, Quack" responded Mister Stimulus and his friends.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

OK America....Here We Go Again

Everything you hear from the media and the government is a lie. The only truth is that; you know its a lie.

It is easy to become sick and tired of the banter and arguement of the Left and the Right. Both sides are exquisitely wrong! Tiresome is the Border discussion. It is like a bunch of plumbers bickering over a blown pipe while the basement fills with water. I am tired of the money discussion. There isn't any money and there won't be for a long time so make a decision and move on with life. I am tired of the entire 'everything' that comes down the national news media pipeline..Never mind the BP pipeline..

I am trying to run a radio show, my FB page and two blog sites here. I cannot keep up with the info-mass-media, and get my kids breakfast in the morning at the same time! My daughter's french toast burns as I stand in the kitchen gaping at the latest steaming pile of bullshit coming from the boob tube. I can only do five things at once. I cannot do eight!

But, as I have said on my other blog about it all being "part of the plan". I, truly think it is; all part of the plan to confuse, manipulate, with slight of hand magic tricks, the general public.
Case in point 1. The Gulf Oil Spill is a horrible disaster. What you will not hear is why it will never be contained or why..If..Ever.

BP has done something unprecidented in oil drilling history. While there are many deep sea oil rigs, BP has drilled a hole into a deep fisure in the Earth's crust. You know? Those places where the continents shift and collide?

Yeah!!..Great idea!! The best engineering minds thought this Pandora up!!
It blew the "F" up!

70 thousand pounds of pressure from the core of the Earth! Thats like trying to stop the Colorado River with a roll of toilet paper.

First of all..There is no "oil crisis". The wells drilled from all over the world are fed by deep core wells that 're-fill' the surface wells. In fact; scientists are wondering if these deep core wells are actually the "grease" that helps turns our planet. Kind of like the grease that turns any wheel or cog in that wheel.

(STOP!! OK all you Al Gore fans, the world is not going to stop turning anytime soon..Well, maybe in 100 million years.) The point is....

In all this hysteria over the world's energy supply, we have done stupid things. Stupid is as stupid does.."Forest Gump". We import while our own soil contains vast amounts of gas and oil. I question the Government reports of two percent of the worlds supply of oil and gas we have under our soil and off shore. Why then is there so much desire to explore and drill all across America for only two percent? Something ain't right there pal. Our own self-centered desire of not wanting to see these rigs has forced companies to place them over the horizon and out of site. Engineering marvels they are yet plagued with complications.

is all part of the plan. Never let a crisis go to waste, says Rahm Emanuel. Let Government pick up the pieces. You can't make this stuff up. It is almost as if the BP disaster was tailor made, and couldn't have been timed better if you planned it, for The Obatrons and their GE buddies to trot out the new trick pony they have in store for us: Green Technology.

Second case in point: The Space Program. The whole "Yes we Can" promise of the Obama Campaign did not include the Constellation Program. This NASA program was the dream child to take us back to the moon in 2020. The first test launch happened 48 hours after the great and powerfull OZ cancelled the whole thing. What do the New Jersey Italians say?.."Fuggetta-bout it". An entire industry and scientific community created to take the lead for America is now taking a dirt nap.

The compromise is to let the Russians send up supplies to the ISS. Lets have robots do our work exploring ..Mmmnn.. More outsourcing. Turns out the Russians have problems with the "Auto Pilot' software on the cargo ships that supply and dock with ISS..Sooo..We outsourced our only last National Enterprise to a BFI nation and it's scientist? China gets to the moon before us? They mine all the Helium 3 and corner the 21st Century market on a clean and unending source of energy? Like the Chinese Government will really abide by that "For all mankind" rhetoric..And I have some great Real Estate I want to sell you just East off Cape Cod.
(B.F.I.= Bunch-of Fucking Idiots)

Third case in point: The war. First and foremost! Here is my mandate. Read carefully because I am not going to repeat it.
Win the war..nothing else is acceptable!

Do I need to say anything else on this subject? No? Good, lets move on.

Fourth case in point: Illegal Immigration. There is no such thing as an 'Illegal Immigrant'. Either you came here as as an "immigrant" and therefore hold papers to testify to that fact or you are just Illegal and have no business being here in the first place. The term "Illegal Immigrant" is an oxymoron. It is like the term "Political Correctness". There is no such thing. Even Winston from Orwell's 1984 would be scratching his head.

The entire 'Immigration Reform' Bill encompasses this notion that both are the same: Illegals and Immigrants; they are not the same...Shit..Talk about Orwellianism. The truth is those who came here legally are just as pissed off as native born Americans. These poor people payed their way and waited in line. Now they have to accept the Liberal mandate of "Amnesty" just so we can be seen by the world as "fair"??..Screw that!! There are millions of legal, card holding immigrants today who would agree with me!

Shut the border down. Other countries have armed fences and sentries. Why do we not? Because the Annointed One has told us publicly that the border is too vast and that it cannot be done.(Pres. Obama on his border speech 2010)

Don't ever tell me something cannot be done Mr President. Don't ever say it is too expensive or too complicated. You and your fellow Chicago criminal cabinet members are really grinding my gears with your continued insults.

At the dire straits of the Revolution, Washington took Trenton with militia who had no shoes in winter. Jackson held off the British in 1814 with farmers when every one told him to run. Lincoln marched an army to the sea and saved the Union. At the depths of the Depression we galvanized our industry and built Hoover Dam and went to war on both sides of the globe and won. The crippled fleet burning in Pearl Harbor limped out six months later and Colonel Doolittle launched bombers off an aircraft carrier. Apollo 13, dammaged, came home safe. The Berlin Wall fell from our own military buildup when we could least afford it. Every one said Kuwait would be the next Vietnam and we finished in two months and freed a nation.
I was a high school dropout yet I have created a radio show that attracts the future members of our Congress as my guests and I have planted myself squarely into this Election year process. I have also become a writer.

Never tell an American that something cannot be done.

Shall we let the media and Liberal Government decide our path? Or shall Americans decide that path? I, for one, am getting pretty fed up with being 'told' what to do by an entity whose soul purpose is its own self preservation or 'citizens groups' who think they know whats best for me and Law Enforcement who fine you every step of the way and call it protecting you.

Tell you what Government, lets keep it simple. You guys protect the nation and fight our wars. Hell, I'll even let you tax me a little bit so I can help pay for it all. I will take care of the rest. All you 'concerned citizens' go home, I think American Idol is on the TV. Hey Mr. Policeman, I think some one is being murdered by an Illegal, pay attention to those crimes and leave me and my broken headlight alone.

....And That Is The Diatribe....