Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fucking Idiots. Morons At The Helm

    Turns out this Engineer for Amtrak was Warp driving around 106 mph when he went into this curve. Hello, meat-brain? Did you not, ever, run this route EVER in your short stay after your stint punching a cash register with Target? Come to find out than ANOTHER train de-railed on the same line in the same state.. Who the fuck is in charge here?

    Retards. That is who!
    Oh, and the NSTB-I You-He-She-It-We-They Board had known for the past 25 years that technology existed that could de-celebrate the train to avoid such a crash..
    Are you fucking serious?  Dick fucks at the helm.
    Really? I have a five page resume and cannot get a job but Target Guy gets to run an Amtrack train?

     We are definitely in Bizarro-World.. Lets extrapolate.
     Obama is holding a Middle Eastern Summit. Turns out some countries refused to attend. I agree with them. I wouldn't attend anything Obama holds is there were underage hookers and Rush was the headline band.. If Iran wants the bomb? Saudi Arabia can build one too.. Even crazy Muslims know.."... watch out for those Persians.."
    Speaking about underage hookers.. The Clinton Global Initiative... Hey Hillary, how's your brother's gold mining operation going in  Haiti? Hey, Bill?  Been to 'The Island' lately? Your 12 year old Haitian sex slave misses you. Keep donating America.. It is for the children..
    This blood soaked cunt is running for President! She is still paying the cleaning bill of Benghazi!

    Speaking of 'blood soaked cunts'.. This poster child for abortion Mayor of Baltimore Rawlings Blake. If it wasn't for Affirmative Action she would be a porn star with those lips.
    She gave rioters permission to destroy her city. Told police to stand down. Welcomed Al Sharpton. This city is Democrat Central since 1967, black owned, black run, Congressman Cummings (Lib-tard, D. for decades)... How's that 'Hope and Change working for ya' Baltimore?
     Like Detroit.. Another Leftie bastion of success.
    What burns my bacon are all the fruitcake Liberals who are lining up behind Hill-Billy or 2016! I know! I have been given access to come to her local Worcester Fund Rising event on Shrewsbury St.
    You do realize we will be running the very SAME election since 1992?
     I cannot wait to be thrown out from this event. Been there, done that twice during the Charlie Baker Campaign. Another candidate for Dim-Wit of the Week.

    Jesus Christ!... RINO'S, Liberals, Sharia, Climate Change, Common Core, Medicating our kids..

    Jeb Bush got into it with some college kid too young and too stupid to say NO to a Ruffi at a Phi-Kappa-Gang-Rape Pledge about how George Jr. created ISIS. What was more scary was NOT the statement but how Jeb stammered his way in his answer.
     This guy makes drunk Uncle Joe Biden look believable. And possible!.. Hell, Target Guy gets to run a train!  Why not drunk Uncle Joe with his twitchy finger on the button?

    Here I go again.. Speaking of... These twitchy Muslim idiots and the Leftie numb-jobs who think that Free Speech  only applies to them as they set something on fire... Geller is the pinnacle of Free Speech. Mohammed can kiss my left one as I drink a bottle of Jack Daniels and jerk off to porn..

    Look.. I am going to smoke a bowl now..
    What? You have a problem?.. Maybe I should take some SSRI's instead?.. Ooohh, yeah, these fetal mistakes..

   Speaking of that.. I filmed the Dr. Duke Pesta seminar a few weeks back and then filmed the PARCC Hearings at Fitchburg U. This Common Core fiasco is going to render our children even more stupid than they are now. Considering most of our kids today are born from... Kids.. It is no wonder more idiocracy exist.  More morons...
    Where are the Saber Toothed Tigers who would have eaten these dumb fucks 30.000 years ago?..
    Stupid Teachers with great pensions and no medical knowledge have government approved mandates to demand your kid be drug darted as they run wild on the field. This way, we can tag them, watch them, monitor them.. Like animals.. To be trained.

    These Liberal tools are going to re-write American history to fit a narrative? Yes, they are. They are funded and well supported. It is what allows a Community Organizer to become President. It is what allows a failed Sect of State to run for that same office in 2016. It allows a Bilderbrerger to manipulate the Polls and Media to 'self proclaim' he is the Front-Runner (Jeb Bush).

    We are being led by dick-fuck morons, at the helm on a speeding train heading into a curve in Pittsburgh...

.... And That Is The Diatribe....