Friday, March 2, 2018

The Five Points of Leftist Ideology. Part V.- Selective Outrage


    In the 1977 book, "Crusaders, Criminals, Crazies" Dr. Frederick Hacker writes this on Selective Outrage. How it is constructed and how it manifests. p.145.

    "..compulsory thought.. established internalizations are first dislodged of their anchorage.. by denunciation of the sources and content of the former introjected values... then persons and symbols are offered as recipients of that ..ego.. to act in lieu of and on behalf of that individual.."

    Essentially, the idea is that one is subjected to being pissed off about what is happening right now. None of it based on 'content' or 'principle', but rather, what is current and the crisis 'de-jour'. Always acting out. Never being pro-active aside from pro-acting upon one's 'acting out'. Subject to change (of course) as the political winds blow.

    Debates on gun control following any mass shooting is a prime example. Always reacting at the moment but never taking into account 'context' (as Dr. Hacker explained). Always 'dislodge' the anchor of our Constitution in lieu of a new outrage as it pertains to the crisis de-jour.

This is dysfunctional.

    In 1964 Dr. R.D. Laing wrote; " The social adaptation of a dysfunctional society may be dangerous.."

    We are at that point today where the entire dysfunction of our society is displayed on social media every single day. Leftists are outraged at whatever comes across the screen without warning. The goal post is always moving. One never knows what, or who you are offending at any given moment. 
    Could this be (possibly) a form of 'GroupThink'?

    Dr. Hacker goes on to say; " Full membership in is granted only in.. Submitting to.. and induced to perform actions with and for the group.. he/she will be firmly welded into the unit because his/her internal demands for consistency will compel him/her to talk  and think as he has acted..."

    One must always be Selectively Outraged at that which one is programmed to be outraged by. Content, context means nothing. Current Convictions of Positions must apply, whatever the 'Group Think' narrative is at that moment. Cognitive Dissonance exists on this compulsion because there is a Lack of Principle. ER-go. You Accept The Absurd.

All Five Points of Leftist Ideology begin to come into play.

    Take BLM, Millennials, ANTIFA. None of what they say, or protest is based on principle or content or context. It is always 're-actionary'. Based solely on how outraged they are. They are compelled to talk and think as they act.

    Years ago, I had a great conversation with Dr. Scott Lively on my podcast about the ability of the Left to be who they are and act as they do. He explained how the Left accepts 'random-ness'; that everything is hap-hazard and (to them) there is no God, and everything just comes about as it does. This is why men can use a woman's bathroom or why abortion is perfectly acceptable because everything today is totally random. This is why the Left is able to act upon whatever happens NOW and project that into action for whatever cause they 'feel' is important at that moment.

    But, as Dr. Lively explained on my radio show, there is a natural order to things. There are 'principles' that have defined centuries of civilization. Regardless of your religious beliefs one must admit that there must be an order to things. There are certain behaviors of society. 
    If I might adopt a Socialist axiom here? Are we NOT (as a society) supposed to be working together for a greater good? The betterment of mankind?

    We are all Selectively Outraged. Conservatives as well. Angered at what we see and re-acting as such. Our mindset is based on what we are convinced of.

    Dr. Hacker, "... very difficult, yet very principled to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate aggression.."

    Dr. R.D Laing, " We begin with the children... catch them in time... thorough and rapid brainwashing.. we shall turn them into imbeciles.. with high IQ's.. if possible.."

    This way they may be all vapid (yet reactionary) at how Selectively Outraged they are tonight, tomorrow and the day after that. As Dr. Lively said about removing God and everything being random we lose our foundation. Human behavior becomes untempered.

G.K. Chesterson

    Dr. Paul Kenger Ph.D. quotes writer and philosopher G. K. Chesterson in the 2016 book '11 Principles of A Reagan Conservative' in describing where this leads people: p.88-90

    "...(into) a morbid weakness, sacrificing the normal for the abnormal."

    Chesterson might have been a Christian Apologist but if he were alive today I think he would be quick to point out a direct causality between the removal of morality and our current state of social affairs. In fact, abnormalcy is exactly what Leftists pander in. Just look at TicTok! It panders to the stupid, the narcissist, and the re-actionary. College students cannot find countries on a map but insist everything is racist and a product of white privilege and colonialism.

    And being outraged is the only recourse an ignorant mind has to deal with the Cognitive Dissonance going on in their heads. Going all in (doubling down) to cope with the obvious duality of thought. This is why people instantly flip the fuck out and riot. As Dr. Hacker states they think as they act and act as they think. The recent response to the attacks in Israel has brought out the worst in human ignorance. Violent protests on behalf of a murderous Leftist regime known as Hamas. The upside down-front to back idea that a violent terrorist group is the victim here is symptomatic of the Five Points of Leftist Ideology. 
    The funniest part is how the LGBT-I, You, He, She It, We, They group has come out in support of a people and culture that openly murders them. (see Cognitive Dissonance).

    But it is easy for Leftists to do this. They are a blood cult. They worship the death of the unborn. Margaret Sanger is their matriarch. The Selective Outrage poured out after the SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade. The focus was on them, their bodies, their rights. Not one mention of the helpless body growing inside. As a reaction, some Democrat controlled legislatures passed bills allowing unrestricted access to abortion right up to the moment of birth.
    It would be worthy to note that this same ideology that preached "My body, my choice." is the same ideology that pushed heavily for mandated vaccinations. (again, see Cognitive Dissonance).

    The #metoo movement is another great example of Selective Outrage. Hollywood stars came out of the woodwork relating some lurid tale of inappropriate sexual tryst they suffered to get a role in a movie. I remember when the first female reporters were allowed in men's sports locker rooms then complained about the guys walking around naked. The 90's were full of lawsuits over male only gyms. But not one case over female only gyms.
    I will never forget the look on Bill Clinton's face when Trump invited all the women involved with Clinton to the second debate in 2016. Women's groups were losing it. The cackling hens on The View were experiencing the vapors over it. Judge Kavanaugh's accuser Blasey Ford couldn't recall the date, time or place and none of the women she claimed who witnessed the assault knew what the hell she was talking about. But the investigation went on, Vagina hats and Feminazis pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court shouting "We believe survivors!"

        This Selective Outrage is media guided. Not driven agenda-wise as some would claim but carefully guided along to ensure the correct information is fed to perpetuate the ideology. People jump on the bandwagon of an issue without really researching the issue or taking into account the other side. Misrepresenting issues, events, even people gets stuck in the heads of the public. The mob mentality follows and forming an angry mob becomes second nature regardless of the fact that few in the crowd even understand why they are there in the first place.

....And That Is The Diatribe....