Sunday, October 7, 2018

What Have We Just Watched?

The Left (and I am NOT taking about Democrats) is assured of a Blue Wave this November. They site everything they hold true from their paid for WAPO, NYT, CBS, NBC,CNN, hell.. Even FOX that they will take over the House and Senate. The problem with this current generation of Leftists is they promulgate everything based on belief and feelings. And this is why they will be proven wrong come Nov. 6th. In fact? It is this very notion where they will suffer the biggest defeat ever in the history of American Electoral Politics... Ever!

Ask any Millenial about facts and they will look at you like you have six heads. Ask them what they 'feel', what they 'believe' and they will pontificate on the camera with every ounce of politically indocrinated BS you have heard for the past decade.

Every once and awhile this disjointed methodology comes to a head. Kavanaugh was one such example. An entire industry was created based upon innuendo and falsehoods. The fact that this woman could never prove her case was irrelevent. Never mind that others (excluded) came forward to dis-prove her case. Facts no longer matter. Again, because this methodology comes to a head just proves the mental instability of Leftism.

What did we just watch?

What we watched is what I have been talking about on my show for the past year. The Left is becoming marginalized. Not by ignoring them (they are front and center in media), but by their own actions. People pay attention to examples. By example we are judged whether by groups or individuals. According to Leftism we should disregard this as well. Unfortunately (for The Left) Human Nature cannot divorce itself from this simple Darwinian postulation. The more they riot, the more they whine and cry, the more they invade Capitol Hill and 'occupy' offices; the more Americans see them for what they are and the more Americans turn away from them.

Let us look at Nixon 1968: What were we watching then? Riots. Leftists. Anti-Americanism. Usher in Nixon. Before the Bible was put away on his inaugeration the Left went after him (mmm.. sounds familiar). In hindsight, it was no wonder the RNC broke into the Watergate Hotel in order to find out what plans the Left had to destroy the President. I am not defending this but the internet was many years away. Today, all we have to do is click on any site, anywhere. Which makes this more insane.

So, what did we just watch?

Watch we have watched is a general insanity that has become the axiom of the Left. Simply put? Extremism. The Left is now a cornered animal. It has been seen for what it is, what it stands for, we know the indocrination, we have all read Saul Alinsky, we know who Soros is and we are firmly aware of the media control. We have the Left cornered. And, like an animal cornered, this is when they become the most dangerous. The rise of ANTIFA is nothing more than a militant arm of that cornered animal.

Violence is their only recourse.

Unproven Accusations are their only recourse.

Shouting down speakers is their only recourse.

Driving people out of restaurants with mobs is their only recourse.

The Left has lost all sense of Morality and Rationale'

Is it Rational to to deny free speach by violence? Is it Moral?

Is it Moral to create a fake Dossier? Is it Rational?

Is it Rational or Moral to pay people to lie under Oath in front of Congress to deny a person who has served their nation the highest court in the land?

Is it Rational and Moral to come up with anything every two weeks for two years that might stick to discredit a duly Elected President?

Evidence? YES!.. Barring that? NO!

At no point in time does any one from the Left come up with a cogent plan to restore the American economy. At no point in time does the Left come up with a cogent plan to defend the country, restore trade, negotiate with our enemies, balance the budget, restrict Illegals, make America YOUR FIRST reason to be in office! After all, isn't running for office to be a calling? A calling to serve your nation?

No. The entire purpose of Leftism is to destroy everything... Everything.

Leftism demands compliance under law. Law voted in under a Democratic Socialism. Majority Rule. Even though Leftism represents a small segment of our society the Press makes it seem bigger. Given power the Left will exploit that and force upon us that 1-5% of Extremism into Law. They will claim the watchword of 'Democracy' but it won't be.

Because, you see, the term 'Democracy' only works for them. The fact that 10-15,000 people show up organically at multiple Trump events over and over is nothing more than 'Nationalism'. And love of country? Leftist hate that! However, a few hundred Soros paid for protestors represents 'Democracy'.

It is here we must ask ourselves again. What have we been watching? If the last two years are any example we should be wary.

If what we have been watching is any indication: Then, what will happen when they take power once again?

When you go to the voting booth ask yourself one quintessential question that I have been asking thoughout this article:

What have you been watching?