Saturday, March 25, 2017

Dissolving of Law And Order- Eternal Vigilance and The Cloward/Piven Model. Part I


 I have truly arrived at the point where I am no longer concerned with offending someone or any particular group of people. My age has granted me this. I also have accumulated a lifetime of knowledge and experience to know when something is rotten in the cupboard. Wisdom and age are revered in many cultures. But, in the Western Hemisphere we are told to be quiet.
    Sorry, I don't play well with the other children in the sandbox.

    The New York attack from scooter boy on the poor elderly woman is just another unacceptable example of why Western Civilizations must get tough with our enemies. At the original writing of this blog there was a Maryland rape of a 14-year-old girl by someone who should have not been here in the first place if we had a secure border. Still, yet, another example of why we must deport the Barbarians now or face more atrocities. 
    And does anyone remember the woman shot in California by an illegal who just happened to find a gun and fire it off on an ocean pier.
     If we are to learn anything from history, we know the demise of Rome began with the opening of the gates and making every one a citizen.
    The Visigoths are now inside the gates.

    The worn-out adage of these incidences being "isolated" and not indicative of the majority is crap. If this were true, we would only see one incident per year, and it would truly be isolated. Unfortunately, these "isolated" incidences seem to happen rather regularly all over the world. Sweden is rape central thanks to Islamic immigration, Oslo Norway comes in a close second, Germany is overrun, Calais France is now a 'no-go' zone as well as Birmingham England. 
    This is cognitive dissonance. There is a psychological disconnect of the people who adopt an ideology that permits and allows cultural invasion with no regard to rule of law or the protection of natural citizens. But I wrote about Cognitive Dissonance in another blog.

    The flash mobs are a new normal. The scooter gangs in NYC are a new normal. The Roosevelt Hotel is now a ghetto. THE EFFING- ROOSEVELT HOTEL! HELLO!!!
    Migrants sleep at Logan Airport now. Perfectly OK.

    The stories are always the same. Suspect was deported many times only to return, the bomber travelled to some sandbox country to learn Jihad, they were refugees, they were here legally, visa, students. The excuses are never ending.

     President Theodore Roosevelt once said that there can be no hyphenated American. Any immigrant must adopt and become an American by his/her actions, desires and efforts. To come here and proclaim your ethnicity over our Constitutional Law will forever marginalize you and you will never attain the full benefits of American citizenship. You will forever be a foreigner and so will your children.

    Well, so much for that commonsense logic.

    Europe is awash in cultural suicide. Political correctness has been proven to be a lethal blow to Western Culture. In the city of Antwerp citizens lock up and stay inside come nightfall while African gangs roam the streets. Rioting in European cities is a weekly event. And I am not talking about the farmers. Actually, I would feel safe round those cranky bastards as opposed to a bunch of Africans setting police cars on fire.

    The only European country that does not have its political head up their ass is Poland. No one gets into that place. They know! They were invaded a few decades ago... Twice!

 Tourism has scaled back sharply, budgets are strained tasked with repairs, fires, police, destruction. Women are afraid to walk their streets. Here in The United States, there is an underlying current of fear as cities (and some states) buy into this malarky by claiming sanctuary status. The crazy thing about some of these places is that few of them had a significant illegal resident population until recently. Still crazier is that cities adopt this sanctuary status and almost the next day a horrific crime is committed by the very same people they seek to protect. 

    We must ask the question: If those Governors, Mayors, Selectmen conduct themselves this way, what is the purpose? They claim to be upholding American values, yet they are simultaneously destroying them. If anyone is familiar with Progressive ideology, then you know that the goal of Leftism is to destroy our traditional value system. In fact, the psychological element employed here is to proclaim to be doing it for altruistic means.

    For years we have tolerated the mantra of 'Sanctuary Cities'. That is, until those seeking sanctuary showed up. Anyone remember the Martha's Vinyard escapade? An entire island full of virtue signaling Leftists with their rainbow flags and BLM lawn signs. They all lost their Collectivist shit when 50 migrants showed up on a Peter Pan bus.

Perhaps it is time to get tough and make tough decisions.

    A concerted effort to identify, locate and deport potential elements that may cause harm to our citizenry must become a priority of local and state law enforcement, as well as Federal agencies. What is interesting is how police are able to locate and round up known associates of a particular bomber, jihadist, illegal alien criminal after they commit a horrific act. Don't you ask yourself, how is it they knew where to find these people after the incident? Why didn't they just nab them before hand? With all the worldwide surveillance and technology, we should be more pro-active instead of re-active.

But we are not.

    Furthermore, it is very disconcerting when you hear stories of repeat offenders like the one who was arrested here in Worcester Mass. A beloved teacher was found murdered in her apartment. DNA evidence linked it to a suspect already held in custody in Worcester County Jail for a slew of crimes in various states. 
    Various crimes in other states? How does this happen? 
    Would not the first crime be an indicator of something wrong here? Considering the suspect is an illegal alien? How does it transcend into 'various crimes' in 'several states' leading up to a strangled teacher here in Worcester Mass? 

    This is why President Trump's EO to vet and/or ban certain people from known failed and terrorist states was not only necessary but was perfectly lawful and rooted in historical precedence. In fact, Congress banned all immigration after the 1920's until 1965 to allow a few generations to pass and become Americanized. It worked! Today the ethnic blend in America truly is one of our greatest strengths and has spurred on economic growth as well as a history full of great Americans from all creeds and colors forever galvanized as explorers, discoverers, dignitaries, scientists, astronauts, doctors and lawyers. The list is endless.

And this is a critical difference compared to what we are dealing with today.

    We are not dealing with the cream of the crop anymore. While one could summate that many immigrants from the turn of 20th Century were illiterate, poor they had two common threads amongst them. They truly yearned to be free AND become Americans. Many were (more often than not) deeply religious. Western Christianity to be specific.

    My own mother often told the story about how she grew up amongst Polish immigrants in her neighborhood of Beverly Mass. Their parents insisted the children speak English. Why? Because they were in America now and they must learn the language.


    Over the last 50 years we have seen a worldwide decline in Christian religious upbringing. The predominant religions today are Secularism and Islam.  Islam, a religion whose sole intention is to destroy everything and everyone that is not Islamic. This is what Muslims mean by proclaiming to be a religion of peace. Yes, peaceful once the whole world is a Caliphate. Europe and America have long since removed traditional Western history from the school system. There is no 'nationalism' anymore. It has now become a bad thing to be nationalistic. To love one's own country. The concept is considered racist. And to proclaim one's faith in Christianity is tantamount to be labelled a Domestic Terrorist.

    In a historical turn of the screw racism has become a modern day Orwellian boogey-man. After the Communist revolution in Russia the party set out to pacify the various territories of Siberia. It was here that the term 'racist' became vogue. Ivan Trotsky coined it while referring to the tribes and villages who refused to give up their traditional way of life, religious practices and culture to Communism. Essentially these people wanted to adhere to their race, their way of life. He called them 'Racist'.
    And rightfully so! After all, a foreign person had come to impose an entirely foreign way of thinking upon a society that had been perfectly happy living life as they had been for a thousand years out on the Siberian Steppe.
    Fuck you Trotsky!

    However, today we are seeing this in reverse. That we as Westerners MUST accept the multi-culturalism and placate the ethnic whims and traditions of a foreign ethnicity or be (ourselves) deemed racist. Holding steadfast to our way of life.
    Americans and Europeans who reject Sharia, cultural diversity, bi-lingualism in favor of those new commers adhering to Western standards are considered racists. If we adopt the Trotsky-esque interpretation of this term, then... Yes, we are Racist!.
     As well we should be!

    Survival and preservation of a culture is the responsibility of every generation.  President Reagan was correct in saying "we are one generation away". When we look to other nations the first thing that comes to mind is that country's vibrant culture. Yet sadly, we deny and minimalize our own. 
    Pernicious Oikaphobia. The fear and loathing of one's own culture.

    It is the right of a nation to deny access from foreigners for any reason. You or I cannot simply go to another country without proper documentation, security checks, vaccinations and 20 questions from Customs Agents. Yet it is considered inhumane and xenophobic to detain and question a handful of people for a couple hours.

    In essence, migrants today have absolutely no desire to become Americans except for the very few who go through the process. And it is a "very few". Given our immigration laws the process is expensive and time consuming. Those who can afford it are the ones we want here. The rest who say 'fuck it' and just swim the Rio Grande or smuggle in or declare refugee status (no vetting) at over 1 million per year have become the burden and cost overruns in countless cities for social services, food stamps, housing, education, free healthcare, interpreters, and last but not least.. 
    We must absorb these people into our daily lives. We must stand aside as we wait in an emergency room because they are given priority status. An American citizen must prove they need public assistance and show proper ID to board a flight but not Hector who just arrived last Tuesday. We must wait in court for an interpreter to show up who speaks some far-flung language from God only knows where. None of them speak English, none of them want to and it is the rest of us who are intolerant when we ask why? Why must we put up with this?
    None of them are vaccinated, none of them have ID. The trails in the desert are littered with the discarded ID's the smugglers tell them to leave behind. The trails are a trash dump. Mountains of clothing, tents, backpacks, shoes, food waste. etc are now the new normal
 across the southern border.

    The numbers are astronomical! It is designed this way to overwhelm and collapse the social fabric of America and to over run our communities.

Enough is enough..

    We have the technology to find them. Because the government is hell bent on spying on every American anyways! Instead of busses bringing them to Martha's Vinyard or NYC, let's turn the busses south back across Eagle Pass the other way!
    We have the means to expose them. We must be pro-active instead of re-active. Round them up and get them out of our country. All of them. Do not let another attack, another murder, another crime be committed because we wish to be not seen as intolerant or xenophobic.

Rather, we insist on being eternally vigilant.


....And That Is The Diatribe....