Sunday, July 19, 2015

Agenda Driven Policies of Leftist Intolerance - Part II- Neurotica.

" If a majority can exclude the whole or a part of the minority because it deems the political views entertained by them hurtful, then free government is at an end."
Charles Evans Hughes, Sect of State, Chief Justice 1920

 " Ah! Men of faction! Friends of anarchy! Enemies and willful perverters of the Federal Government! How noisy in clamor and abuse, how weak in reason and judgment, appear all your arguments."
Kentucky Senator Humphrey Marshall 1795

" No man's ambition has a right to stand in the way of performing a simple act of justice."
Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeld 1886

      Wherever there is an act of injustice anywhere in America it affects all of us as a free people. Not just the act itself but the ramifications of such an act. It is never enough to correct the mistake, make amends and mind never to repeat it ever again. No, this nation morphs into a neurotic catharsis and riots. Then there are the 'ban everything' crowd on a coast-to-coast tour.
     Like the Taliban who have destroyed ancient artifacts because of a delusional imagined sense of outrage so too are Leftists and the hand wringing Republicans who remove statues and symbols of our past. 
    History be damned. It has no part in these determinations.

In the last chapter of John Kennedy's Profiles in Courage he states,   "For Democracy means more than popular government and majority rule, much more than a system of political techniques to flatter or deceive powerful blocks of voters. A Democracy that has no monuments of individual conscience in a sea of popular rule is not worthy to bear the name."
     All across the south the heritage and history have been replaced with emptiness and meaninglessness. Statues that once told a story with a plaque are now replaced with the image of Molech and formless artwork. During the 11/29/23 broadcast of Glenn Beck he extolled the loss of what matters. The loss of tangible meanings of things being replaced with nothing real or lasting. 
     It is a form of neurosis. No wonder suicides are at an all-time high since 1941. 14%/100,000 people.
    Years ago, I had the opportunity to attend and film the Dialogue on Bias and Race in Worcester Mass. I did this for a number of reasons, but primarily, I was interested in seeing how this multi-week seminar would be handled and I wanted to experience what real bias looked like.
    I was NOT disappointed.
    To summate. Everything is the fault of white males and white male privilege.

      In an evolutionary sense Western Civilization assimilates all immigrant races over time. Barriers dissolve away.
   However, there are two caveats that toss this idea into the bin.
   The first is, does that immigrant race want to be assimilated?
   One of the great American success stories is how immigrants came here (with all the racism) and assimilated into becoming Americans. Our culture is full of multi-ethnic traditions and cuisine that have become uniquely American. The term 'melting pot' has real teeth and it makes America what it is today.
      Then there is institutionalized equality. Forced acceptance via legislation. People are forced under penalty of law to accept something (someone) they might not agree with. The Civil Rights Movement (while historic) only forced Southern states to comply with Federal Law. It still took decades for the barriers to dissolve away, decades before the lynching stopped, job equality, integration. 

      However today, we now have imposed a form of discrimination to individual opinion and thought. We even have reverse racism, or Anti-racism. As I said before, cities, counties and whole states are boarding the 'ban everything' bus as well.
     It truly is neurotic.

    So, what will we gain from all of this? Will we be a more homogeneous society? Quite the opposite. We will be a divided society of enclaves. Enclaves of social strata exude racism towards the other enclave, a form of 21st Century Tribalism. Multi -Culturalism is the polar opposite of assimilation.
    In fact, Multi-Culturalism is designed to root away natural assimilation. Assimilation breeds more Americanism. People choose to make a better life for themselves. By keeping society divided it becomes easier to control. 
    And Leftism is about control. This obsession with control is neurotic.
   Control now extends to public events and public hearings. Town meetings are routinely closed to the public, cameras are banned, reporters banned and those few venues that are still open to the public won't waste a New York minute tossing your ass out if you dare to question any of the Council people. School Board meetings usually end with an arrest. The DOJ now lists parental rights groups as Domestic Terror groups.
    It is as if the use of hatred and intolerance is perfectly acceptable in combating hatred and intolerance. It is not. It is not acceptable at all, and we have little oversight to curb the abuses. 

.... And That Is The Diatribe....

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