Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Agenda Driven Policies of Leftist Intolerance -- Part I

 " This is Home. This is Mean Street. Turns you from hunted into hunter. Gonna hunt somebody down. " 

Van Halen. Fair Warning Album 1981

"... we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of.. government policy and not justice. By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure we may disregard the whole idea of justice for... years to come... We cannot teach... government by suppressing Liberty and justice.... the English speaking peoples have one great responsibility: That is to restore to the minds of men a devotion to equal justice under the law."
    " Liberalism implies particularly freedom of thought, freedom from orthodox dogma, the right of others to think differently from one's self. It implies a free mind, open to new ideas and willing to give attentive consideration."
    " When I say Liberty, I mean Liberty of the individual to think his own thoughts and live his own life as he desires to think and live..."

    The late Republican Senator Robert A. Taft, son of President William Howard Taft.


      Freedom is a dangerous thing. It is supposed to be. It neither judges, denies, accepts, grants, forgives or accuses. It is almost like an element on the Periodic Table. It just is.  And like handling any dangerous element, (as Senator Taft said) it demands great responsibility from all of us. It requires a level of tolerance as well for we (as free people) must recognize other's interpretation of their freedoms.
      Government policy and groupthink dogma are counter intuitive to our Western idea of freedom. Leftism seems to be the main driver of such dogmas post Taft. Leftism today is nothing more than an instituted policy of control. It disguises itself in the forms of safety, awareness, re-education and demands compliance to its own ideology. Failure to do so can sometimes result in fines and/or imprisonment.
    This is hardly the 'Liberalism' Taft was referring to.

    What results from such a demand is a form of institutionalized intolerance. Not 'racism' in the invented sense of the word but intolerance of anything counter to the "orthodox dogma" that Taft spoke of. It becomes perfectly fine to deny and denigrate a religion, political ideology, way of life and culture in order to advance a set wrote of new ideologies, ways of life and religion completely made up.
    These agenda drivers can be bureaucracies, political parties, civil rights groups, unions, schools and a laundry list of advocacies. In fact, they can be anyone or anything that pushes to enforce any type of self-righteous agenda. Many times, these things begin simply because someone doesn't 'like something' other people are doing. Language, then, becomes specifically tailored to promote that agenda. Words are carefully chosen to generalize the agenda while never really explaining the purpose of the agenda. For if we were to understand the purpose of the agenda no one would sign up for such nonsense in the first place.

    Where agenda driven policies become irrational is when the line is crossed to include inanimate objects as examples. The Confederate Flag insanity is a perfect analogy. It becomes perfectly fine to hold up the Confederate Flag as an example of intolerance and completely disregard a private citizen's right to fly that flag. In fact, agenda driven policy outlaws it. Some states have removed the flag, deemed it an example of racism and for anyone to attempt a display of it could be subject to arrest. 
    Defacto 'intolerance'. Institutionalized intolerance. Legally binding intolerance.
    It becomes perfectly fine to educate our children on the joys of Islam but any discussion of Christianity in public schools is strictly forbidden under legal statutes. Use of the word 'nigger' is abhorred in our society, yet gansta-rap is rife with it, and it makes billions in revenue. 
    Instead of in-tolerating ALL forms of intolerance these 'groups' have managed to compart-mentalize who, how and when it is ok. In other words, control.

    This allows the elbow room on an issue and ability to adjust accordingly as the political winds shift. It also allows various groups pushing their agenda to create the dogma necessary to implement their it through legislation.
    And it doesn't stop at legislation alone. The will of the majority of people can be completely disregarded through the Courts. The use of 'end runs' around Congress are a common tactic. Years ago, the referendums on Gay marriage in Massachusetts and California (two uber-Leftist states) were overwhelmingly voted down by a huge majority of voters yet the LGBT Alliance took their agenda directly to the Supreme Courts of those states and won!
     A more recent issue was the Vaccine Mandates issued by companies and many state legislatures. The power grab of our elected officials and bureaucracies trampled upon the sovereignty of the people. It wasn't UNTIL these laws were challenged in Court did, we see a shift back to sanity.
    Well, only when it suits a purpose. Agenda driven policy makers are always picking and choosing, always compart-mentalizing, always carefully picking the fights they can win.

    Upon becoming law these agenda driven policies never stop there. It is never about equality. It is never about parity. It is about power. There is always 'the next step'. We are never short of a politician always proclaiming, "..we need to do more!"

      Another analogy would be what happened in Texas a few years back to a pig farmer upon realizing an Islamic group bought the property next to his and erected a Mosque and Islamic Center. Never mind that the pig farmer was there first, never mind that the farm was handed down to him by his father. The onerous was immediately put upon the pig farmer to 'tolerate' Islam and shut down his farm. 
    He refused. It became the farmer's fault. He was intolerant, he was racist.
    Soon, the Islamic Center grew regardless. The man's farm has been vandalized; his family threatened. All of this from a religion that purports itself to be 'tolerant' and 'peaceful'. All, also, from the very government that is tasked with protecting the farmer's rights, especially his 'property rights'.

    Then, there were the Christian bakers and caterers who were purposely targeted by Gay and Lesbian groups. Legislators rushed to the cameras to point out how intolerant these business owners were. Many called for legally binding intolerance laws to be passed. It took years before these business owners were able to get closure through the Supreme Court. 
     I have a friend who took his case over being denied flying the Christian flag on Flag Day in Boston all the way up to the top. He won, 9-0.
    The concept never once occurs to these groups (nor the politicians) that they go elsewhere to conduct their business. I am sure there are plenty of LGBT owned bakeries all over America. I am sure Texas is big enough that Muslims can find plenty of open space to build another Islamburg or Dearbornistan. But that never becomes the discussion. There is a purposeful targeting going on here.
    Intolerance gets turned on its head.
    No one is forcing Islamic bakeries to bake Gay wedding cakes; that would be intolerant and disrespectful of their religion. And we certainly don't see the LGBT people soliciting these businesses now do we?
     Bill Maher has even labeled this "The Gay Mafia". And they have politicians and the lower courts in their pockets to purposely mis-interpret the Constitution and the protection of individual rights.    They are using intolerance and misunderstanding for their own agenda driven policy.

    This what Cultural Marxism is and does. When Karl wrote his manifesto, the lynchpin of his form of Communism was the removal of every Western value and societal norm to achieve a pure form of his political end. Modern Leftists have taken this one step further to include EVERYTHING!
    Once you have cleared the deck of all historical norms that have built modern society then you can fill that void with practically anything you want.

.... And That Is The Diatribe....

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