Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Personification of Evil- Part II, Shock Troops


" America has a permanent government that doesn’t get affected by election choices and that isn’t in any way accountable to any sort of democratic transparency and just creates its own world off on its own.... we have our own de facto monarchy.” Journalist Glenn Greenwald 2014

    " –when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self
-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed." Francisco d'Anconia

      During the Obama years American cities and towns discovered that they no longer had 'police officers' guarding their safety and serving their communities. Instead, they awakened to a paramilitary force of occupation. Every Federal Agency now has an armed wing. They no longer have to rely on local law enforcement to commit to a warrant. In many cases they don't even bother with a warrant.
    If we look back to the events following the Boston Marathon bombing we should never forget what we saw those days. The city of Watertown was invaded by paramilitary units. What blew my mind was how tacit every one was to allow armed men in full combat gear to search their homes unimpeded. To this day I don't know if the owner of that boat where Tsnaev was found was ever compensated for. In fact, several arrest were made of citizens just walking the streets that night because they looked suspicious. No charges filed, no due process and certainly not one shred of probable cause.. Just out for a walk.
    Police stations nationwide brag and post pictures on social media of the new military grade equipment they get at discount rates or for free. The alarming rate of no knock warrants is commonplace now resulting in many deaths of Americans that rival the dead from the war on terror. From 1970 to 2000 the average SWAT raids nationwide were between 200-300 per year. Today these raids average 150-180 per day. Youtube is rife with people filming the blatant disregard of rights perpetrated by ignorant officers.
    FBI is completely corrupt. I have been investigated. Several people I know have been investigated. The entire DOJ is openly committing treason to the Constitution and pursuing criminal investigations on political opponents to the State. Parent groups are domestic terrorists, Catholics are extremists. The Executive Administration disregards SCOTUS decisions and bulldozes along with policy. Prosecutors create criminal charges out of thin air for political gain and one state has openly decided to remove a candidate from the 2024 Primary simply because they want to.
    In a Khafka-esque acid trip that has gone terribly wrong our government has interned over 900 Americans for the January 6th protest. Few have access to legal aid. More are held in conditions that rival a Turkish prison. Medical care is denied, reports of abuse by the guards has surfaced but no one from the Leftist media is chomping at the bit for that Pulitzer Prize Expose' to uncover the truth.
    Not even the UN, Amnesty International or American Red Cross has sent in investigators to document the situation.

    Interestingly local city and town governments are perfectly fine with this. Entire segments of our society think it is just ducky! I personally know some of these people.
     The evil that exists permeates every facet of our national, state and local governments. People in government are drunk with power. While we see citizens speaking out against this it serves no purpose. Protest is nothing more than a steam valve to be opened once and awhile to lend the impression that We The People are being heard. Of course. that all depends on what side you are on and what (exactly) it is you are protesting. 
    However, once the public outrage has ended the local officials go ahead and vote against the will of the people anyways. Once the law is passed, the arrests soon follow. 
    This plays into the psychological instability that those 1 in 10 suffer from. If you take into account the numbers of uniformed officers in any given city the potential for an incident resulting in injury or death at the hands of an unstable police officer climb exponentially. The incidences of assault (physical or sexual) by police have increased. As I stated in the first part of this expose' police have daily briefings before hitting the streets. It is obvious to me that this behavior is now stated policy simply because someone somewhere during at least ONE of those briefings must be asking "What is the policy?" And the Chief must be telling the officers to go break some heads open.

    The effect on children is traumatic. The increase of no-knock warrants has resulted in an increase of mistakes. Quite simply, they have the wrong address. Innocent homeowners are shot defending their homes, children are shot, barking dogs are shot and there is no legal precedent that awards any type of compensation or criminal accountability of the officers involved.
     And again, the local governments vote for more of this crap!
    The George Floyd incident may have once dominated the news cycle, but citizens are detained, abused, falsely arrested all across the country every day.

     In 2008, Buffalo NY police raided the Pennymon home. The father, Terrell Pennymon, is epileptic and a war veteran. During the raid officers pointed weapons at their eight children and smashed their father in the head with a rifle butt..
    It was the wrong house.

    In 2008, Berwyn Heights Maryland police (disguised) dropped off a package full of weed at the doorstep of the mayor's home. Mayor Cheye Calvo naturally brought the package inside thinking it was UPS or something. The door burst open, and police raided the home. They shot his two dogs and held his family hostage for hours.
    It was the wrong house.

(Less than a week later the BH police arrested the REAL culprits in the marijuana scheme.)

    In both of these cases there was a meeting and a determination that no charges would be filed against the police involved. In that meeting there must have been legal counsel. Again, people gathered together to discuss a plan of action to cover up a crime.
    These are just two examples. The web is full of them. It happens every day, in every state, in every county of those states and in virtually every city and town.
    In the book Profit and Punishment by Tony Messenger he cites countless stories of small-time misdemeanors being dragged out in court to extract huge fines from the defendants and how many counties employ this tactic openly to prop up town budgets.

"As a columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Tony Messenger has spent years in county and municipal courthouses documenting how poor Americans are convicted of minor crimes and then saddled with exorbitant fines and fees. If they are unable to pay, they are often sent to prison, where they are then charged a pay-to-stay bill, in a cycle that soon creates a mountain of debt that can take years to pay off. These insidious penalties are used to raise money for broken local and state budgets, often overseen by for-profit companies, and it is one of the central issues of the criminal justice reform movement."
(Amazon Review)

    This is The Personification of Evil.
they are reprogrammed with unquestioning obedience and the uncanny and disturbing ability to view their fellow man as an inhuman animal who must be eliminated at any cost, as they are, the enemy.
The psychological tactics and techniques have been refined over time in order to create the more perfect army; one that will blindly die for or kill anyone they are told.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/disturbing-police-recruiting-video-sheds-light-militarization-protecting-serving/#7j7cDotweFmx0tG8.99
Each individual is broken down to a blank slate, a drone, if you will. Then they are reprogrammed with unquestioning obedience and the uncanny and disturbing ability to view their fellow man as an inhuman animal who must be eliminated at any cost, as they are, the enemy.
The psychological tactics and techniques have been refined over time in order to create the more perfect army; one that will blindly die for or kill anyone they are told.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/disturbing-police-recruiting-video-sheds-light-militarization-protecting-serving/#7j7cDotweFmx0tG8.99
Each individual is broken down to a blank slate, a drone, if you will. Then they are reprogrammed with unquestioning obedience and the uncanny and disturbing ability to view their fellow man as an inhuman animal who must be eliminated at any cost, as they are, the enemy.
The psychological tactics and techniques have been refined over time in order to create the more perfect army; one that will blindly die for or kill anyone they are told.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/disturbing-police-recruiting-video-sheds-light-militarization-protecting-serving/#7j7cDotweFmx0tG8.99
Each individual is broken down to a blank slate, a drone, if you will. Then they are reprogrammed with unquestioning obedience and the uncanny and disturbing ability to view their fellow man as an inhuman animal who must be eliminated at any cost, as they are, the enemy.
The psychological tactics and techniques have been refined over time in order to create the more perfect army; one that will blindly die for or kill anyone they are told.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/disturbing-police-recruiting-video-sheds-light-militarization-protecting-serving/#7j7cDotweFmx0tG8.99

    Danette Kingstad called into my podcast in 2014. She lives in Michigan and is the mother of three children. Ever since she can remember her life was one of abject abuse. When the time came for her to receive the help of law enforcement and family services Danette was to (again) experience nothing but abject abuse. What makes her case troubling is not that she is another victim of 'the system' but rather she is the victim of a concerted effort by the very people tasked to help her. People who purposely decided to make her life a living hell. Although there was absolutely nothing to indicate that Danette ever abused her children the people involved in her case were hell bent to prove otherwise even if it meant fabricating the story out of whole cloth.
     It is as if evil had reached out from the depths of hell itself to inject itself into her life. Danette's own lawyers gave up on her case, the prosecuting attorneys worked hand in hand with DCF to incarcerate her children, medicate her children, torment her children and then blame the resulting behavior stemming from such torment on Danette. Despite the fact that her children have been in state care for years any and all problems caused by the state are some how Danette's fault.
    In a twist that no movie script writer could even imagine DCF of Michigan placed one of Danette's children into the care and custody of the very mother that abused her. The judge placed a gag order on the case, the court writer Barbara Luenberger denied access to court transcripts despite a FOIA request and a demand under the RICO Statute.
    Danette was told by Judge Laura A Frawley during one hearing that she basically has no rights under the Constitution. No evidence was ever presented except the accusations of her own mother who was assisted by DCF on what to say in court.
    These people got together, held a meeting and formulated a plan to destroy the lives of other human beings.

    This is The Personification of Evil

    Then there is this special element of evil.
     According to a US Department of Justice article by Donald C. Sheehan in 2000 domestic violence among police officers and their families is more commonplace than one would imagine.
    If these cops have no control over their behavior on the streets what is to stop them when they are at home with the wife and kids?
    " Police abusers differ from other abusers only in that they are tougher and more dangerous. They have training, a badge, a gun and the weight of the police culture behind them. Smart police do not hit, slap, kick, or choke their partners. It is not necessary. They exercise their power and control by intimidating, isolating and terrifying the victim.... The characteristics and skills developed in training to produce competent officers are those that, when used in an intimate relationship, make police officers the most dangerous abusers... Police officers use professional skills, police equipment, and the mobility of the job to keep their partners under surveillance."

    We must never forget the many instances we have been witness to over the past decade or more where our government has been complicit in, directly planned, instigated and carried out assaults and confiscation of the Liberty, Protection, Property and Life of the very people they are sworn by Oath to preserve.

    Clive Bundy
    Lavoy Finicum
    Ashli Babbitt
    Rosanne Boyland
    As I continue with this expose' I will concentrate on the people who issue the policies and the people who carry them out. As Dr. Haberman said in the first segment it is not just the person with narcissistic disorder but also the people who follow evil as loyal subjects. Eventually you will see a pattern emerge where society is to be culled into accepting this type of evil as necessary. The platform of Socialism demands obedience in order to grow in strength and power. Collectivism and Individualism is like fire and ice and will never be compatible nor ever able to co-exist. Body Politic has no room for any dissent and as Dr, Haberman also stated before; the power elites have no use for anyone that does not serve their needs or purposes.

.... And That Is The Diatribe....


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