Tuesday, January 3, 2023

How Republics Die-The Star Chamber-Part I

    We all arrived by chartered bus early dawn at Union Station in DC. One friend and my immigrant GF.
    Everything was closed. You couldn't even get a coffee at Dunkins in the station mall.  Out of pure hatred for DJT45 and the MAGA crowd the Democrat Mayor had ordered businesses to close and in the wake of the Planned-demic it was unlikely anyone was going to get anything to eat, let alone find a place to warm up. The temperature was well below freezing. It was horrific. Even the homeless suffered the wrath of a Democrat Mayor who simply hated Americans. 
The National Guard were sleeping in a parking garage.

    Thanks Democrats for caring so much about the little people.

    We made our way towards the Capitol building passing the city's plethora of homeless camped outside the station doors. Did they get a place to get a cup of coffee?
    Unlike the Independence Day event held by Trump earlier in 2020 there were not even any food trucks.

    We were not the first to arrive so early. Many had come from across the country booking rooms well in advance. We followed the moving flow of people down Constitution Ave through the open mall to Washington's Monument. My friends and I stopped along the way to take pictures at various public buildings, saying thanks to the growing police detachments that were assembling. My experience with ANTIFA at other rallies was getting my nerves up. Was there going to be a confrontation?

    Well, a confrontation would occur before the day was over.

    There must have easily been over half a million people at the monument. Various speakers were broadcasting over jumbo tron screens lending their opinions on an obviously stolen election. Some of them were named in the so called January 6th Committee. However, besides the President (who had NOTHING to do with it) many patriotic Americans were spied on, hand picked by the FBI, arrested and indicted for practicing the very fundamental right to speak out, protest and (yes) occupy the halls of our nation's Capitol for a redress of their grievances.

    My attempts to upload Facebook Live videos were constantly jammed or just so slow the page would "Time out". The proximity of so many people uploading all at once was the accepted excuse even by the users. However, more than a few of us knew our postings were purposely being throttled downward. But the crowd was not deterred. We ran into so many hopeful and happy people who were there to support our President. But none of us were under the illusion our presence or our voices would alter the outcome. The Deep State had accomplished it's goal and was going to see it through. And, like many other stand-offs with the Federal Government throughout our history the blood (and blame) would fall upon Patriots.

    Many of those Patriots would later be arrested and charged with crimes related to the protest. Many, to this day, have yet to be arraigned and/or have their day in court. They sit in Federal prison without due process being expedited on their behalf. 

Justice delayed is justice denied.
    While the January 6th Star Chamber Committee invokes Rule of Law and Constitutional transitions of power in it's report it ignores the basic human rights of American citizens. It's sole purpose is to send a clear message to Americans.

 Sit down! Shut up, or else.

    Entire lives have been ruined. The Right always suffers while the Left is justified in it's anger. Billions of dollars of damage during the BLM riots and the perpetrators were sprung from jail as soon as they arrived thanks to funds set up by Soros, DNC operatives and even the Vice President herself. I personally witnessed the damage in DC during the July 4th event in 2020. BLM marched all that day and later into the crowd of families relaxing on the lawn to watch the fireworks. The Co-founder of BLM, Patrice Collars, embezzled millions and has yet to even see a second look from Biden's DOJ.

    No one was charged when the the Capitol building in Wisconsin was over-run. No one was charged during the Kavanaugh Hearings. Senators were accosted in elevators and screamed at by FemiNazi groups. People showed up at the homes of Justices in direct violation of Law. Where is the Select Committee on these events? This is a rhetorical question because the very first response is Freedom of Speech, Right to Assemble (and I would concur on that point alone) but there are laws.  However, we now live in a two tiered State where one political group is allowed to foment actual violence while another group is to remain silent lest their protests be deemed criminal.

    Anyone under a Leftist Government NOW, who is on the Right, IS CRIMINAL.. Show me the person and I will show you the crime said Joseph Stalin. He also stated that voting doesn't count but rather who counts the votes. When we have drop off boxes where anyone and everyone drops multiple ballots and these trucks show up late at night to ballot places to count them: When we have same day registration, no ID, no accountability or chain of custody the possibility of fraud is extensive.

    The J6 report contains testimony from witnesses that profess there was no..
    "...widespread voter fraud in a scale sufficient to change the outcome..." 
    In fact this comment appears dozens of times through out the report. Lawyers, Deputies, judges decisions, Other Legal Counsel all make this same statement almost verbatim. The wording is very carefully chosen. But what none of them say is the silent part out loud.

    That voter fraud DID exist.

         There are over 3,500 counties in America. Let's say you have an average of voter fraud at 1%. per county. Not much to significantly affect an election, right? But then you get to populated counties. That 1% grows across an entire state. The entire election was rigged from the bottom up. Truethevote.com and Dinesh D'Souza proved that very point in 2000 Mules. 

    The J6 Committee is designed perfectly. It is the culmination of Orwellian Propaganda to design a Star Chamber to designate American Patriots as Subversives. The report is worded to paint the President as 'desperate', 'crazy' and making threats.  

    The Federal Government has a long history of oppressing it's citizens. From the violent Union busters at the turn of the twentieth century, Japanese internment, the 1968 DNC riot in Chicago, Kent State, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bundy Ranch, Lavoy Finicum and now the intelligence gathering and warrantless searches of Patriots. The Twitter files, COVID lies and the Hunter Biden scandal are all examples of Deep State oppression.

Keep Americans stupid.

    According to psychologist Stanley Milgram only 20% of Americans possess critical thinking. The rest blindly follow edicts, mandates, orders even when they know they are detrimental to themselves. In fact, a rather significant segment of our society thinks all this is perfectly fine. And they vote for more of it!

    It is no wonder the rhetoric espoused  by  Congressman Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney rolls easily off their tongues. The Forward in the report written by these two clowns is rife with all the appropriate catch phrases.  Language specifically used to elicit outrage among the readers. Then again, we must remind ourselves these people are above the rest of us. They have served in public office for so long that they cannot survive in the real working world. Government has passed laws to protect themselves at the expense of our own Liberty. They pick and choose who they wish to prosecute. Steve Bannon is a perfect example.

    And just what was his crime exactly? Refusing to testify to a sham court. A court that has no authority to exist under our Constitution. Our system of jurist prudence is how crimes are settled, not by Star Chambers. These people are not judges, prosecutors or law enforcement they are elected representatives whose sole job is to answer to their constituents not charge them with fake crimes. 

    Other defendants invoked their 5th Amendment Rights during testimony. These people were charged with contempt and obstruction of justice. It is not the job of the accused to hand you the rope for which to hang him with. It is the job of the state to prove their case.  What mental gymnastics must one's mind go through to equate the use of Constitutional Rights as obstruction? For Government this is easy. It just depends on what side you are on. Eric Holder was never charged for his involvement with Fast and Furious. He blatantly refused the Select Committee's order. Lois Lerner violated the civil rights of private non profit organizations and weaponized the IRS. While she was quietly shown the back exit by her party she and Holder never received a conviction.

    The Select Committee wrote in it's report, " Even if it were true that President Trump genuinely believed the election was stolen, this is no defense. No President can ignore the courts and purposely violate the law no matter what supposed “justification” he or she presents."

    I disagree. Once you have exhausted all legal remedies and justice is thrown back at you your only option is to sit down and shut up? Despite the events of Jan 6th OUTSIDE  the Capitol many Republican officials DID take to the Chamber floor to express their misgivings about the election. They were summarily denied the chance to filibuster or have any recourse granted to them. This idea that we have a 'system' in place is a farce. Legislators, judges, prosecutors and even cops do whatever they want and in too many cases get away with it. This leaves little recourse for the citizen but to respond with violence. We wax romantically of the Patriots of 1775 yet distance ourselves from the Patriots of today. If you remember the Patriots then were a scourge. They were wanted criminals of the Crown. Today they are lionized as icons of our history. Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorhn were complicit in bombings that killed people and destroyed property yet today hold prestigious positions at universities. They are teaching our kids! I wonder if any of the members of the Proud Boys will have that luxury twenty years from now.

    In dragnet style the Select Committee went trawling for anyone they could ensnare as complicit in the events of January 6th.

From the report: 
    "Representative Jordan also responded to the Select Committee’s subpoena just before his scheduled deposition in a letter on May 25, 2022, containing a variety of objections. Representative Jordan also requested material from the Select Committee, including all materials referencing him in the Select Committee’s possession and all internal legal analysis related to the constitutionality of Member subpoenas. Although the Select Committee did not release Representative Jordan from his subpoena obligations, Representative Jordan failed to appear for his scheduled deposition on May 27, 2022. On May 31, 2022, the Select Committee responded to the substance of Representative Jordan’s May 25th letter and indicated that Representative Jordan should appear for deposition testimony no later than June 11, 2022. On June 9, 2022, Representative Jordan again wrote to reiterate the points from his May 25th letter.... Representative Jordan did not appear before the Select Committee on or before the June 11, 2022, deadline..."

    So Jordan wanted to see the evidence against him. Naturally.
    The rest is rather vague. The Committee ".. responded to the substance.." What does this mean? Did they actually provide the evidence Jordan requested, or did they just pat him on the head patronizingly? Apparently he had to ask for evidence again in a subsequent letter so I assume the answer was no. Congressman Jordan refused to appear.

    ".. Representative Biggs issued a press release on the day the Select Committee issued its subpoena, calling the subpoena “illegitimate” and “pure political theater.”.."
Biggs was correct!

    Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano also supported the President in his plan to create a second slate of Electors. He was able to garner the support of 20 more State Senators from PA before Jan.6th.

    "... On January 5th.... Senator Mastriano sent two more emails for the President. One was a letter addressed to Vice President Pence on behalf of nearly 100 legislators from various States; the other was a letter directed to McConnell and McCarthy from Pennsylvania lawmakers, this time asking Congress to postpone acting on the 6th..."

Mastriano also refused to testify to The Star Chamber.

    A Senate Select Committee is only tasked to investigate in relation to legislation. Again, these people are elected representatives. They are not Judge and Jury. The fact that they are able to get actual judges to concur with their findings and issue warrants is more conspiratorial than anything Trump or his Counsel John Eastman could have cooked up that day in January. These types of reports are not
 designed to get to the bottom of things.

 They are designed to implicate some one.. Anyone!

    Despite the fained outrage at press conferences all this Star Chamber was able to do was refer Jordan, Biggs and others to the Ethics side of Congress.  In an ironic example of bluster the report states, "...A House Member’s willful failure to comply with a congressional subpoena also reflects discredit on Congress. If left unpunished, such behavior undermines Congress’s longstanding power to investigate in support of its lawmaking authority and suggests that Members of Congress may disregard legal obligations that apply to ordinary citizens...."

Oh really? You don't say!

    "...House rule XXIII, clause 1, which requires House Members to conduct themselves “at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”..."

Shocked I tell ya'...Shocked!

    Regardless of what the President said or tried to do by delaying the vote count, inserting a different slate of electors, trying to convince Pence to NOT count certain votes, even calling up various State Legislators to select a different set of electors. None of it happened. Everyone refused to partake in doing anything. The crimes Trump is accused of never took place.

    "...  Certain Republican members of Congress who were working with Trump and the Giuliani team may have had insight on this particular risk.."

   There were over half a million people there that day. These people came already charged up. It would not have mattered one iota if the President spoke or not. The people who breached the Capitol doors wanted it so. 

    And lets not forget that it was an unarmed woman, Ashli Babbit who was shot by a Capitol guard who had a long history of the misuse of his firearm. Is he under investigation? Of course not. Cops get away with murdering people every day. If you can find the video she is seen stepped back off to the side of the glass entry door she is accused of breaking. The video clearly shows an arm appear from the left side holding a hand gun and pointed directly at her.

    Originally several members of Congress wanted an independent investigation. McCarthy, Katko and Jordan were three of the Republicans who initiated the idea.

    "... an independent, 9/11-style review is critical for removing the politics around January 6 and focusing solely on the facts and circumstances of the security breach at the Capitol...this is about facts. It’s not partisan politics...
    While the measure passed in the House the Senate rejected the idea and the bill died on the floor. This is where NaNa Pelosi picks up the mantle and pushes for the Star Chamber we have now. Democrat Bennie Thompson was one of the original supporters of the independent investigation. 

Ya know to keep the politics out?

     But somehow he had no problem serving as Chairman for the Star Chamber because this tribunal from a Twilight Zone episode was never going to be about finding out the "cirumstance of the security breach". 
I was there! I can tell you the circumstance. 

    There was ZERO security to breach! We all walked right up the hill side of the Capitol totally unimpeded. Thousands of us!

    The cops didn't show up until people started climbing the scafolding and the walls. In fact, two people who were supposed to be interviewed for Part II of this expose'(but backed out) were on the other side of the Capitol and were literally escorted into the building.

 When the Capitol Police told them to leave... They left.

    This entire Kafka-esque kabooki theatre was specifically designed to find any reason to implicate President Trump. Who-ever else got caught up in the fishing net? Well, tough shit for them. To imply that the Trump campaign team and the subsequent post election team was complicit in trying to thwart the peaceful transition of power is absurd because obviously the transition happened. The bit players in the actual protest were to be made examples of. Members of The Proud Boys, Super Happy Fun America, Oath Keepers and the III Percenters have either pleaded out their cases or are still under going trial. Many languish in prison with little or no legal representation. The charges are serious although contrived because many of these groups had protested before, occupied various government buildings and never once received any form of legal backfire. 

Until now. 

    Unlike ANTIFA or BLM which are responsible for billions in damages across the country, countless injuries, assaults, rapes and intimidation Conservative protestors get Federal prison. Who can forget the Kyle Rittenhouse episode or the neighborhoods and places of business engulfed in flames? Just like the terrorists we exchanged for Bo Bergdahl (who returned to kill US Soldiers) many of these so called 'peaceful protestors' received Get Out of Jail Free cards financed by Soros and the DNC only to commit more acts of violence.

    In the weeks, months and years ahead we would soon discover there actually WAS substantial voter fraud enough to effect the outcome of the election. The Hunter Biden laptop, the 400,000 fake and deleted votes from Maricopa County Arizona, the sudden packing up of Dominion offices, video surveillance of drop off boxes purchased by Truethevote.org and documentarian Dinesh D'Souza.

    But by then the fraud candidate had already secured his fraudulently elected seat and another sad chapter in Democrat election fraud was playing out.

    At the end of the day we went back to Union Station to board our busses. We discovered upon arrival that the Mayor and DC Police would not allow the busses to remain parked where they dropped us off. It was quite a panicked scramble to contact the drivers who were ordered to drive and park outside the city limits in direct violation of their Driving Log Rules. I lost physical contact with one of my friends I came down with. My GF (who barely spoke English) was visibly shaken by what she witnessed. She wanted to go. I told her of the danger. But she was amazed at how many diverse Americans (and immigrants) were there at the Washington Monument in support of the President. She came to America for a chance at work, peace and freedom only to witness the will of the people ignored and the usurpation of a Republic, much like her own, which she escaped.

....And That Is The Diatribe....

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