Friday, January 24, 2020

A Moral Call To Action


     There exists a very long list of statistics and historical examples that support the argument against the proposal of Sanctuary State status. There are also countless personal accounts of violence committed by illegals present in our country.

     What isn't being addressed is the moral call to action.

     On September 5th in 1980 Mother's Against Drunk Driving was founded by Candace Lightner after her 13 year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Throughout the 1980's drunk driving laws grew increasingly tougher reducing DUI fatalities by over 1/2 as of last year.
The group had its greatest success with the enacting of a 1984 federal law, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, that introduced a federal penalty (a 5%later raised to 10%loss of federal highway dollars), for states that did not raise the minimum legal age for the purchase and possession of alcohol to 21. After the United States Supreme Court upheld the law in the 1987 case of South Dakota v. Dole, every state and the District of Columbia made the necessary adjustments by 1988.

Each year, The Century Council, a national non-profit organization funded by a group of alcohol manufacturers, compiles a document of alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Between 1991 and 2013, the rate of alcohol-related traffic fatalities (ARTF) per 100,000 population has decreased 52% nationally, and 79% among youth under 21.[4]

     The reason why this is relevant is because at the time there was a moral call to action. People were dying! States were forced to comply with the national laws or lose funding. The horror stories of fatalities appeared all over the nightly news.

     The moral question is: Why are we not addressing the deaths of 4000 Americans a year at the hands of illegals the same way we addressed the drunk driving deaths decades ago?

      Every time there is a mass shooting the call to confiscate everyone's weapons is raised. On the national debate stage one 2020 Presidential Candidate claimed, "..Hell, ya! We're going to take your AR-15's!"

     Despite the fact that the United States is amongst one of the lowest (statistically) in gun related fatalities in the world the moral call to confiscate guns is reaching a fever's pitch. A pitch that may lead to removing one of our most basic Constitutional Rights. Given the level of violence committed by illegals currently, those numbers are likely to double should we remove lawfully owned firearms before we remove unlawfully entering individuals.

    But no outcry when an American dies at the hands of an illegal.

Nationwide, from 2011 to 2018, non-citizens, mostly illegal aliens, committed 667,000 drug offenses, 42,000 robberies, 25,000 homicides, 91,000 sex crimes, 213,000 assaults, 95,000 weapons offenses, and 81,000 auto thefts, according to a report from the US General Accountability Office (GAO). The GAO also found that the average criminal alien had been arrested seven times.

     If these numbers existed for drunk driving fatalities the 18th Amendment would have been reinstated by now. In fact if you add up the numbers supplied here they total 1,214,000. The more Sanctuary status is awarded to cities and states those numbers will accelerate.

1,214,000.. I want you remember that number.

     In October a Mr. Perez Valesquez from Guatemala was arrested for a DUI in Cayuga County NY. AN ICE Detainer was previously attached to Mr. Valesquez for repeated unlawful entry into the United States. However, a Judge let him go on a 'promise' of a reappearance to court.

     On Nov. 10 Mr. Valesquez was arrested (again) for Vehicular Homicide while driving drunk (again).

     In 2018-2020  North Carolina arrested and charged 331 illegals with sexual offenses to children. Over half of those cases were repeat offenders, previously deported offenders and/or on some sort of ICE Detainer Watchlist.

     At what point in time will law makers, judges, or the media understand that when people are willing to break a Federal Law and cross the border illegally multiple times what makes any one think they will "..promise to reappear.."? In fact, virtually all of the catch and release cases fail to "..reappear.."

     Especially if they have a record of breaking the law repeatedly.

     Last year was a record year for detainees crossing illegally into the US. Excluding women and children and the 1/10th of 1% who actually do want a better life there was still a large number of "unknowns". We don't have any background records or ID on these people.  Many of these unknowns were processed and then released into the country on this "promise". Then there are the ''got-a-ways". Those who CPB were unable to catch.

     Are our elected officials willing to say publicly that they are comfortable with that?

     If an illegal is arrested for a crime and is held over for ICE Detainment that criminal is taken off the streets. That person is processed, tried and either sent to an American prison or handed over to authorities of their home countries. For it is a fair bet that if they are committing crimes here in this country they are probably wanted for crimes they committed in their former countries.

     It is also a fair bet that's one of the reasons they left and came here in the first place. Because they are wanted criminals back home.

     And another question begs on this subject of being comfortable with the unknowns.

     The CDC has reported that many cases of diseases long since eradicated in the United States are now surfacing once again. They point directly to the mass influx of people pouring into our country unlawfully. Europe has reported this as well.

     This is another "unknown" factor I am talking about. Never mind the violence factor.

     There are literally ten's, if not hundred's of thousand's of men, women and children carrying infections and diseases let loose in our nation.

          Their children are attending school stressing a system still in the throws of COVID recovery. None of these children are vaccinated but you can be damned sure YOUR kid wouldn't be let in the door without every inoculation under the sun. These people who slipped through the system, who aggressively cross the border multiple times are not the least bit interested in making sure little Hector has his DPT shot.

       But, Judges let them all go on a promise to re-appear.

     The frustrating thing about all of this is that immigration groups paint us as racist. The government will bus people in, manipulate the message, attempt (and in many cases succeed) to shut down our voice. All we are trying to do is point out the dangers, point out the facts, statistics and put a face on the effects of illegals in our country and the dangers of Sanctuary State/ City designations. 

    But now these Sanctuary areas are beginning to feel the effects of their misguided Leftist open arms policy. The video coverage doesn't lie. Cities are swamped with roving gangs of migrants from London to Los Angeles. Lootings are increasing. Oslo Norway is still the rape capital for Islamic violence against women. Ranchers along the southern border are arrested for defending their homes instead of the migrants being detained for trespassing and entering illegally. Over 80,000 children are simply lost. No one knows where they are or what happened to them.
    The entire system is upside down.

    The US Government is squarely to blame. There is ZERO desire to close the border. The massive opposition during the Trump years was a shocking indicator of the hatred the Democrats harbored against this country. But more importantly: who is funding these mass migrations? If things are so destitute in these rat hole countries where are all these people coming up with the cash? Cartels are wealthy but they have very little incentive to fund illegals on a massive scale. They have plenty of mules.
    The only other possibility are the nations themselves from where many of these people are coming from. Paying people to leave rather than keep them in prison, on public assistance (if it exists) or even feed is better economics.

    And as the previous video proves the incentive to slough off the least desirable of a third world nation's people may be the altruistic thing for more developed nations to absorb, it does very little for the host nation. As we can see already from NYC the social system has collapsed. A net gain of the tens of millions of migrants will destroy the fabric of our American culture. Giving them residency status, voting rights, driver's licenses and a monthly stipend will cause a zipper affect that will run through our courts, schools, homes and our quality of life.

    Until there is a moral call to action to stop this hemorrhage we will bear witness to the slow bleed out of this Republic and preside over it's wake.

....And That Is The Diatribe... 

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