Monday, October 9, 2017

It Never Ends With Liberal Media Or Ray Mariano

"..As an ultimate show of contempt, Mr. Gaffney has refused to respond to media inquiries throughout the current election season..."

Can you blame the guy? Since 2015 with his run for Mayor I have watched the local press excoriate Worc. City Councillor Michael Gaffney. Article after article, (most of it made up) accuses him of racism, antagonistic to the press, emotional and possibly not fit to hold his office.

But former Mayor and Worcester Sun paid hack Ray Mariano has his finger on the Trump/Gaffney pulse.
"..Like President Trump and the national media, local emotions surrounding the Gaffney/media dustup are running pretty high..."

Because, Mariano is (again) a leading local expert on the mindset of President Trump and Mike Gaffney. Ray-Ray goes on to talk about how he cannot remember a more volatile relationship with the press covering local elections until...... "The first time I ran for mayor, the Worcester Telegram publisher and the lead editorial writer did everything they could to stop me from being elected. "

Welcome to the party Ray-Ray! I will play the Jeopardy Theme while we all look up when and where local press in Worcester supported a Conservative Candidate. Turtleboy isn't the only 'blog' supporting Gaffney. This guy right here! Like TB I have my own radio network and broadcast nationwide. So, many more people are reading, listening and paying attention than the T and G and Worcester Sun could dream of combined.

I find it odd that when your competition is blowing your doors off, your only response is to marginalize us in your articles.. Like, that is suppose to stop us? Guess M&P and TB should just pack it up and go home. Ray-Ray has spoken!


Clive McFar-Left is a Leftist Idelogue. Of course he equates everything with racism. It is the topical issue of the decade. Everything is about race.. My choice of dinner is racist, Mike's color of his car is racist. A bunch of pot smoking Socialists at Mosaic are 'Diverse' but wanting to check their books once and awhile is racist.. Turns out Gaffney was right on that one. I work for a Real Estate Co. that bought that property.. You DO NOT want to know what we found in there once we got the keys..

But Ray-Ray has his finger on the pulse.
"....Mr. Gaffney’s response to his media critics has been equally as volatile and over-reactive as the people he has disagreements with. He has personally attacked his media critics with a ferocity that we have never seen locally...."


So, what is the 'correct' response Ray-Ray? How did you respond when the press went after you? Apparently, in today's Leftist controlled Media World people like Mike are suppose to prostrate themselves on the alter of public opinion. Hey, it worked for Bill and Hillary, seems to be working for Weinstein, Elliot Spitzer. It worked for Walter Bird. He is back at the helm of WoMag AND still holds his seat on Citizens Advisory Council! Give it 6-8 months and Anthony Weiner will have a book out!

Jesus! Maybe Gaffney ought to start banging his sectretary so he can be in the good graces of the local media! Just change party affiliation Mike and you'll be all set.

The double standard is blaring and obvious.

A recorded "off mic" interview with Trump from 2004 about 'grabbing pussy' was perfectly OK to release at zero hour just before the election Cuz, every one hates Trump. Right? But Gaffney releasing texts of Birdie The Pervie is innapropriate? I just love how everyone covers for the local hacks in this town.. Fucking hilarious! I don't know where you nood-nicks got your journalism degrees but I would ask for a refund.
"..Instead of going to the appropriate authorities or encouraging the women who complained to him to do so, Mr. Gaffney held the damaging information for months and then released it as an attack when he felt he had been harmed and in a way that would do the most personal damage to the editor..."

It isn't exactly like WoMag has been Councillor Gaffney's BFF. Fair critiques are part of what objective journalism is suppose to be. Wait.. What am I saying?

None of that exists anymore. What is sad is young people are reading, listening and watching this Frankentein known as Media. They think this is what it actually is! Bash this person, expose some skeleton, bash some more. Any push back from the accused is met with more bashing. Look at VP Pence at the Colts game. Look at Trump. Hell, look at Gaffney!

No wonder the guy won't talk to media. He had no problem calling into my show last week because he knew I just wanted to hear what he had to say. Sorry local media, my show is raw and unedited so listeners can make up their own minds.

I have to hand it to Ray-Ray. He does end his piece on a conciliatory note by admonishing us all to stay away from personal attacks and what keeps our eye 'off the ball'. Unfortunately, he, Walter and Clive need to take that same advise.
"...We need to stay focused on what matters..... safer neighborhoods, cleaner streets and better schools...."
Since I have met Worc. City Councillor Michael Gaffney in 2014 I have seen nothing but his efforts to hold City Council responsible to the people. His efforts to expose crime in our schools, expose the over-taxation, the trash and decay in our inner city neighborhoods, exposing his detractors publicly are everything I want in a Leader.

Voltaire was right.. And yes, it WAS Voltaire...


.... And That Is The Diatribe....

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