Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Just Say No To Pedophilia. Hate Groups And Enablers---Part IV

“Very telling, and a very sick revelation of the state of this country.”

Attorney Sidney Powell 7/9/23

    Hatred  breeds. As society devolves (destruction of family, God, country) the ease for which people can flip out over anything works quicker than spit. With the click of a mouse Americans defending traditional values are instantly tarred and feathered as intolerant extremists by actual intolerant extremists. 

    But Leftism is self destructive. It eats everything in it's path and then consumes itself until it dies leaving a far more sinister totalitarian form of government. Just look at the fall of the Soviet Union. Once it collapsed the Russian Mafia took over emerging as the Oligarchs we all know and love today.

    Back in my day there was the Russian dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn who wrote the book First Circle. He explained that when the Communists rounded up all of the thinkers, authors, artists, and academia the Commissars then instructed those who managed to escape the firing squad to provide information as to who might be a political problem from their OWN Communist Party. It wasn't just enough to rid the system of dissenters. They had to rid the system of everyone leaving only a pure and abject adherence to the Party. 

    This trans/gay/ LGB crap is following the same course. It is eating everything in it's path. Eventually, it will run out and eat it's own and God only knows what fills that space afterwards.

    At the beginning of this series I asked; When did protecting children from radicals become.. Radical?

Moms for Liberty

      Imagine the the gall of these moms! Forming an organization. Actually practicing their Constitutional Right of freedom to peaceably assemble, defending their own children and petitioning the government for a redress of their grievances!!. Don't they know that children belong to the state? It takes a village as Hillary once said.

We need to do something about this.. And right now!

    And doing something about it is EXACTLY what the Southern Poverty Law Center has been doing. And they don't care. They have millions of dollars and can easily pay off any slander lawsuit. By putting Moms for Liberty on their 'Hate List' the SPLC has opened the floodgates for threats of violence towards a group of moms who just want their kids to be left alone.

 One person actually called upon the State to remove their children.

“... another threat-sender wrote. “The state should remove your kids and/or grand kids from your homes. Evil, evil, evil people you are!”.

    Way to go with that Love is Love thingy. And nothing says tolerance and diversity like threatening to eradicate someone from the face of the Earth and line them up against a wall.

“I will personally eradicate you from Massachusetts,”.... “Piece of s— fascists like you deserve to be dragged against a wall and force-fed hot lead. Eat s— and die.”

     Like the same college idiot intellectuals wearing Che Guevara shirts and not realizing they would be the first lined up and shot under the rule of Che Guevara...

    This other idiot is calling upon the Ninth Gate to open and enlist the aid of Mephistopheles himself.


Sound of Freedom

     10 years ago the same people who produced a CBS documentary on child sex trafficking were heralded in the press. Today they are pariahs in this virtue signaling hellhole.

"...sent groomers and pedophiles and their enablers into a panic over what could be an existential threat to them because if it gets a widespread enough audience, the film could raise awareness and spark public outrage much as groomers in the nation’s classrooms already has...goes where the corrupt media won’t by shedding light on the child sex trade and the scourge of pedophilia, a depraved practice that many on the left are working tirelessly to normalize..." Melissa Fine 7/10/23

    And normalizing it they are.

Chest Feeding

     Finished throwing up yet?

    But there is help. If Bobby cannot lactate sufficiently there is medication (more drugs, yay!) to induce the flow of bodily fluids from his (err) her nipples. 

"...The CDC has a responsibility to talk about the health risks, but they have been derelict in doing that," Dr. Jane Orient told, adding "We have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be" if transgender parents are using "all kinds of off-label hormones..."

"...The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) also recently introduced a language guide for U.S. hospitals that features gender-neutral terminology. It includes "inclusive terminology" such as "father's milk..."

Laura Kair, medical director of the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, says in the release. "The statement also calls for an end to violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex, plus (LGBTQI+) people..."

“Language has power," Kair adds. "The language that we use should be as inclusive as possible when discussing infant feeding,”

  And as queer feminist and (cough) scholar Judith Butler said "Power generates the range of possibilities..." And isn't this what this is all about? The Power of possibilities?

"...Dr. Stuart Fischer from New York, told that he found it "very hard to believe" breast milk produced by biological women is the same as milk produced by transgender women..."

Ya think?

    But these are the same people who find it perfectly safe to show kids playing cards with the definitions (and illustrations) of various porn level sex acts. The same people who advocate genital mutilation for children, catering to a perceived notion of transgenderism instead of recognizing a mental disorder and nipping it in the bud. These are the same people who go ape-shit over a movie exposing pedophilia.

And why do they react this way? Because they themselves are pedophiles.

    At any given time there are half a million sexual predators online every day. Lindsay Muntingh. 2/20/23. That number is small comparative to the US population. But those are actively KNOWN predators. What about the ones hiding in plain site?

    According to statistics 42 million children are sexually abused before age 18. Again, these are KNOWN statistics. Now, lets extrapolate and add in this societal push to sexualize children by exposing them to education, indoctrination, procedures and therapies that rationalize such desires.  

    We call them pedophiles but the new language is minor attracted persons. And "language has power" according to Dr. Laura Kair.

    In the book A Long Dark Shadow( UC Press 6/22) author Allyn Walker spells out succinctly in a Rutgers U book review just how important language is when addressing the issue of pedophi...ehh, minor attracted persons (MAP's)..

"...Walker emphasizes the importance of using correct terms to better understand MAPs’ experiences..."

     Walker is a little concerned that terms such as 'child molester' and 'pedophile' are used interchangeably relating to criminal activity. They should be.. Because they are crimes (molestation) committed by criminals (pedophiles). But the author can explain all of that by introducing an emotional and romantic feeling MAP's can form for their victims...I mean.. partners.

"...An important point is that very few participants expressed having only a sexual attraction to children—most MAPs, like those attracted to adults, also felt a romantic and emotional attraction to children..."

    Well, I'm glad that only a few wanted to rape children. The rest just wanted to fall in love.

"  In describing the identity formation process of MAPs, Walker compares MAPs’ experiences with a model..... which charts the identity formation process in gay and lesbian individuals..." 

     Walker assures his readers that 75 % of his participants in his study would never offend. But the review discloses that most of the participants came from one website called 'Virtuous Pedophiles".

    And just HOW do these MAP's avoid molesting kids? Well, some actually wack off to child pornography.

"...More controversially, a minority of participants admitted to using child sexual exploitation material (CSEM, more commonly referred to as child pornography)..." 

    This is known as 'non-contact child abuse' (National Center for Victims of Crime). Just because the person watching the porn isn't abusing the child themselves, the child is still being abused because they are involved in porn. And the viewer is paying for this porn thus propagating more child pornography. But, again Walker assures his readers that only about 6 of his subjects actually used real child pornography. The others must have used Anime cartoons.

     And don't think for a moment this push to trans our children isn't going to excite the loins of predators. Ancient Greece and Rome were hotbeds of pedophilia until the Christians showed up and put a stop to that nonsense. In fact the desired age for boys was between 12-18. And if they wore a dress, even better! The need for homosexuality to distance itself from pedophilia decades past was strategic. Homosexuality was still considered abhorrent. Gays and lesbians were jailed, fired, assaulted, rebuked by family. But in the 70's groups such as Pedophile Information Exchange and the infamous North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) were looking to attach themselves to the civil rights successes of the gay and lesbian movement. And just as the LGBTQ+ movement has entered mainstream society and is demanding laws so too is the pro pedophilia advocates.

 "...In the 1970s homosexual advocates literally pushed the American Psychiatric Association into listing homosexuality into a healthy sexual orientation in its authoritative Diagnostic and Statistical Manual... in 2013, the APA attempted to let the same reclassification slip through for pedophilia..." National Catholic Register. Ben Wiker. 8/27/19.

    In 1993 the Gay and Lesbian community attained 'consultive' status in the UN. This meant that international decisions over war, elections, aid, emergency interventions, etc had to consider the impact to the homosexual community of a particular nation. In America the trans movement has a multi stage approach.

    First get into the schools. Kids as young as 5 are being introduced to the joys of gender dysphoria. I will cover more on this in the Part V.

    Fear. Invent pop psychology and flood the mental health community with the false notion that children are 'gender fluid' and if we don't cut off little Bobby's penis NOW he is at risk of committing suicide or a life of severe mental trauma.

    And if any of the parents balk at this junk science then employ the power of the state to have those children removed. I already covered the Federal push to label parents as Domestic Terrorists in the last segment.

    Then there is 'transitioning'. We tell little Bobby that it's perfectly ok to wear his sister's dress and wear mommy's lipstick. Next is the puberty blockers, intense psychological therapy and the school system affirming that Bobby really IS a girl! By the age of 11-12 hook him up to the hormonal implant I wrote about earlier to shape that lovely girlish figure and finally... Cut his cock off.

    "...If all of that is mandated by law, affirmed by society, heralded by the media, carried out by the medical establishment, championed by psychiatrists and psychologists, and affirmed as a fundamental human right by the moralists on the Left, what will stop pedophilia from being accepted socially and legally?..."

     If you follow the evolution of acceptance to homosexuality being taught in schools, to transgenderism being taught in schools it isn't a far leap to imagine pedophilia being taught in schools.

"...This is a gate already half-opened in other areas in our culture — just do an internet search for “Drag Queen Story Hour Public Library...”

And if YOU don't like it? There is always the DOJ,  SPLC or the ACLU to straighten you out.

....And That Is The Diatribe....

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