Saturday, August 31, 2024

Weaponizing State Constitutions With A Green Amendment- Owning Nothing-Part V



 " An invented right invites government intrusion. An inherent, natural right demands government exclusion."

Christopher A.W. Maider

"Our founders established a nation governed by the people, where human ingenuity would flourish and every citizen had equal opportunity to obtain their American dream. This meant the citizens would own the natural resources so that they had the means to create their own destinyprotect their rights, and limit government’s power."


    This why most of the Amendments in the Bill of Rights begin with the phrase. "Congress shall make no law.." It wasn't to list what the citizenry was allowed to do but rather what the government is NOT allowed to do EVER!

    It wasn't until after the Civil War when Legislators got it into their heads to "Amend" the Constitution with so called 'expanded rights' like the 14th Amendment which disbanded the militia and incorporated the United States, yet everyone thinks it is about "equal justice under the law". The sixteenth Amendment which allows government to pick our pockets (which was never ratified by the required 3/4 of the States) and others like the eighteenth Amendment which opened up one of the most lawless eras in American history thus creating the FBI that is now front and center at election interference.
    Today many are calling for a Convention of States to petition Congress under Article V to Amend the Constitution again and impose term limits on Representatives. While the idea is laudable, be careful what you wish for when handing the keys to the candy store to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and Ocasio Cortez.
    Imposing a Green Amendment upon States is already problematic, as I have pointed out. Imagine if this were to happen upon a Federal level?
    People seem to be under the impression they have a "right to this! A right to that!"
    Well... You don't.
    This is a parasitic mind virus that afflicts society today as presented by Professor Gad Saad:

Evolutionary Psychologist Gad Saad Explains the Woke Mind Virus & Its Impact on Mankind | Real Talk (

    What is worse is people tell government to intervene when what we should be telling government is to go fuck themselves. Unfortunately, we have generation after generation conditioned to rely on governmental intervention even at the result of a dwindling away of Liberty.

    And this is why Property Rights are one of the last bastions of American Liberty.

    If you are a property owner in one of the eleven states considering a Green Amendment (and they pass the Amendment) and you want to do something with your land like lease it for oil drilling, or cut timber, or even farm you can bet your bottom dollar that Maya Rossum and her happy band of enviro-warriors will slap you with a lawsuit.
    But doesn't the Constitution clearly state no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process? Of course it does. That is why they due fully filed a process to sue your ass.
    Oh, great! Here I am minding my own business in my own back yard looking to drill some of that Texas Tea that Jed Clampet made his millions from, and these twits show up to ruin my day.

    But what if?
    Just, what if there was a way to incentivize property owners to NOT utilize those resources?

"Further, the increasingly powerful administrative state is using its regulatory authority to pressure America’s middle class into signing up for federal conservation programs. The programs are creating a federal web across America’s private lands that can be used to control production of our food, fiber, minerals, and energy.

Additionally, the federal government is acquiring forever conservation easements on private lands through matching grants and funds distributed to environmental organizations. These easements transfer the primary control of the land to the easement holder. Whoever controls the land owns the land. Those lands under a conservation easement can no longer be considered private property."

    In the Sustains Act it gets more nefarious. Apparently (according to the language) the Federal Government will take funds from NON-Federal contributors to match the funds offered to landowners who sign up for this program.
    Who the fuck are these NON-Federal contributors?

From the EPA Website:

"Reported to House (06/03/2022)

Sponsoring USDA Sustainability Targets in Agriculture to Incentivize Natural Solutions Act of 2021 or the SUSTAINS Act

This bill authorizes the Natural Resources Conservation Service to accept contributions of nonfederal funds to support a broader range of conservation programs.

Current law authorizes the service to accept nonfederal contributions of funds to support certain programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and the Conservation Stewardship Program. This bill expands the authority to include other conservation programs, including those that address climate change, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat improvement, and protection of drinking water sources.

The bill also makes other changes to the administration of contributed funds, such as by allowing the service to match contributions and permitting contributors to designate funds for use in a specific program or geographic area."

     But this goes deeper towards Federal takeover of property. They will do it by attrition as well. The Democrats have pushed for a tax known as "Unrealized Gains".
    Leave it up to Lefties to invent a tax on money you haven't even made yet. It is about as insane as California's "Exit Tax". If you leave California because they tax the shit out of everything you will be taxed because you left.
    Yep, that exists folks!
    Unrealized Gains goes like this:
    The proponents of this claim it will 'tax the rich' on all the money they make in the stock market when they sell shares after those shares rose in value. But the language tells another story.
    Let us say your grandfather's house that was bought in 1920 for $5000.00 is now worth $500.000.00 and the UG tax is 25% on every 1000 and you inherit it (inheritance tax) and decide to sell it because you want to send your kids to college or sniff cocaine off a naked chick's ass for the summer in Boca Raton.
    Well, good luck on either one of those fronts. Because YOU are now considered 'wealthy' and you owe the Feds $125,000. Never mind State and Local taxes on top of it all.
    What does this have to do with farming, or property ownership?
    Well, those UG taxes are applied as each year goes by and your land grows in value. You can't afford to pay those taxes even if you do sign up for the $4000.00 a month check for turning your farm into 'Conservation Land'. You agreed to NOT Farm. Not log. Not drill. Not do ANYTHING!
    And if you violate that contract by trying to grow some weed on the side or even hay your fallow fields the government will seize your land. But then again, if you cannot pay your property taxes or UG taxes?
    The government will seize your land.

    And it just gets worse and worse. The wholesale destruction of property ownership is part and parcel to the destruction of our Liberty. The Green Amendment will just codify into law the INABILITY of Americans to develop their land as they see fit.
    Given the success of their litigation strategy in New York, Pennsylvania and Montana what's stopping them?
    And they have help and precedent from government itself.

"The New York Stock Exchange, Intrinsic Exchange Group and Securities Exchange Commission attempted the greatest silent coup our nation has faced when they attempted to create “Natural Asset Companies.” The Federal Government is implementing a similar strategy, monetizing natural processes such as pollination and photosynthesis, to place these values on the federal balance sheet. They are calling these “Natural Capital Accounts.” Their test pilot accounts for the program show they are preparing to add every American’s home as collateral for the federal debt. No citizen’s property is protected."

                                            Issues - American Stewards of Liberty

    In addition there is the international 30x30 plan to lock up 30% of all land in the world as permanently off limits to any human usage at all. This would require the United States to give up 400 million acres of land that equates to the size of two Texas'.
   The international, Federal and soon Green Amendment push to restrict property ownership (either through monetary coercion or law enforcement) is not just a Globalist agenda but a Communist agenda. For Communism to succeed there must be an abolition of private ownership.
    Or as Klaus Shwab of The World Economic Forum once said:
                   "You will own nothing and you will like it!"

....And That Is The Diatribe....

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