Friday, December 29, 2017

Five Points Of Leftist Ideology - Part I

" Find me the man and I will find you the crime." 
Joseph Stalin

" At the intersection of stupidity and certainty you will find the traffic accident better known as the College Leftist."
Christopher A.W. Maider


    It has taken me a number of years but I think I can finally understand the intricate workings of the Leftist mind. 

Remember.. I was raised to be one.

    It is a dangerous place to be. It really is a form of psychosis!
    It varies in intensity from individual to individual. Some are very mild, you would never know it. They function as fully cognitive citizens of society. Hell, you work with them! They are that brother, aunt, in law, that guy next door.
    Others are radical and violent. 
    However, they all share a set of rationalizations that are common throughout. There are Five Points. 

    These are the bullet points I will cover in detail as this revised and updated blog series continues.

1; Acceptance of the Absurd and Committing Atrocities.

    In the former Soviet Union one of the things that kept Communism firmly entrenched was not the powerful police state but the acceptance of the population that this is what life is like under Communism. People would make up excuses, rationalize why there were shortages and blame agitators. Even today a large segment of Russian society still longs for a return to Communism. 
    American Leftists see nothing wrong in the current state of affairs where freedom is concerned.  The dual Justice system is rationalized. The killing of unborn children while demanding Human Rights are both oxymoronic examples of the duality mindset Leftists possess. 
    The Left prostrates upon the alter of The Absurd. This why it is easy for them to commit atrocities.

2; Selective Outrage or Compartmentalization.

    It is easy for a Leftist to be outraged at the slightest thing yet are masters at separating like reasons to be outraged about because that particular thing runs counter to the Leftist narrative. 
    This is a form of schizophrenia.
    The ability to hold two diametrically opposed thoughts in one's head and firmly believe both diametrically opposed thoughts are true.
    A simple example is the "my body, my choice" narrative. Yet Leftists will make decisions for other's bodies for the collective well being and compartmentalize both thoughts as separate.
    This includes abortion and gender mutilation.

3; Conviction to the I

    To a Leftist, conviction of position requires no evidence to back up that position. If enough people are talking about it then it must be true especially if it is packaged into a trendy catchphrase or repeated multiple times over several media outlets. 
    The War on Women, Reproductive Rights, Gender Equality, Global Warming are all perfect examples of how something with no substance can become a complex social issue. If asked not one Lefty can easily define many of the positions held by Leftists. I have posted many Reels and Tic-Toc of interviews on FB with Leftists who have ZERO idea of what they are talking about or why they are there at the current protest.
    Therefore it becomes impossible to gain any tangible explanation of these impossible positions. Because they defy the physics of cogent rationalization and simple...Thought!

4; Denial of Reality or Cognitive Dissonance.

    In the face of overwhelming facts and opposing opinions a Leftist is literally unable to change their thinking and is predisposed to deny the existence of any alternate fact or reality. Leftists become hostile and will issue threats, doxxing or label you in the public square.
    These are tactics spelled out by Saul Alinsky.
    It is truly a chilling and frightening thing to experience.
    Yuri Besmenov spoke extensively about this "demoralization". The ability to set aside what one intrinsically knows is moral and correct and cognitively detach one's self from it.

5; Lack of Principle.

   Simple things like love of country, American values, family, God and Constitution are 'principled' institutions. Leftism seeks to defy, question and replace anything that represents our heritage as Americans. It is (in fact) Cultural Marxism.
    Leftists remove statues. Leftists replace education with indoctrination. Leftist have no problem looting and burning and calling it a "peaceful protest". It is easy for them to equate and gloss over their actions with their message regardless of the perception. 
    Quite literally lying to themselves. Yet, believing it at the same time.
    Not that they are practicing a principled right of Free Speech but rather Leftists seek to destroy and replace Free Speech with a position based agenda. 
    Leftists have all sorts of 'positions' on issues and they all fall within the acceptance of the absurd narrative.


    I will explain in subsequent blog posts how these five points interrelate. How employing one of these five points is backed by the other four and/or (in many cases) all five points are employed. It is almost like a closed loop system impervious to outside intervention and impossible to break. In fact, you can interact with any Leftist who displays just one of these five points and the observer can instantly apply the other four and the observer will not be wrong in his/her observation and ultimate understanding of just who the fuck they are dealing with.

    Lets look at an example that encompassed all of the above; 
    The Russian Collusion Delusion.

    I am not sure if there has been any other time in American History when an entire nation was duped by such a lie. The only thing I can think of is Orsen Welles' radio broadcast of an alien invasion. Despite the obvious evidence that no aliens had landed people were in a panic. 
    The same ws true for this investigation.

    James Clapper spoke on Meet The Press and openly stated that the Fusion/Steele Dossier was the impetuous that triggered the investigation. Yet, the dossier was proven false by the admission of the person (Christopher Steele) who wrote it. 
    Here's where it got screwy!
    Fusion GPS wrote another false dossier to be used in the (possible) impeachment of President Trump. Steele phone called the FBI to tell them he sold the dossier to the Clinton Campaign (who paid for it) and CNN and maybe they should investigate those two in the hopes to stave off his own arrest.
    But nope!
    The FBI hired Steele to come up with more fake dirt on Trump.

    The Alabama Senatorial Election is another prime example. Despite there being no evidence against Judge Roy Moore, despite the fact that testimony from two of the women was proven false Moore lost that election. Oddly, he lost it by such a narrow margin that there should be an investigation of voter fraud. The DNC openly admitted to bussing in people from out of state. 
    However, as I stated in a past blog post the fraudulently won seat usually stays in the hands of the fraudulent candidate.



    This example highlights every single one of the bullet points listed above. Democrats are firmly convinced this is the nature of politics and there is nothing any one can do about it. They accept the absurd. Democrats are outraged at the thought of our Presidential Election being rigged but have no problem bussing in people from out of state or stuffing ballots as was proven in the 2020 Presidential Election. 
     Regardless of the evidence there will be no investigation and election fraud will continue. 
    Democrats are firmly convinced this is perfectly fine. 
    Saul Alinsky said in his book Rules for Radicals, "... by any means possible.." 
    Conviction of position.
    Finally, Democrats are perfectly fine with the cognitive dissonance needed to get away with such tactics and are in complete denial of all evidence to the contrary because in order to mastermind and undertake such a scheme is to have no principles at all. The admission that these women were paid to slander Moore, then disappeared after the election is all the proof you need that this was orchestrated. And the public swallowed it, hook, line and sinker.

    And while we are on the subject of nefarious women: Why were the prostitutes who were supposedly paid by Trump to pee on a bed never brought before a sub committee?

    The mental schizophrenia can be entertaining at times. And it is here we introduce 

The Oxymoronism of Leftism.

    A few years back a good friend of mine was engaged in a debate over the construction of a new train station in Somerville Mass. It was going to cost billions, was not needed but scores of Beacon Hill acolytes were all in favor of it because of the name recognition and the fact that they now had a perfectly valid reason to hike up passenger rates. 
    As if that ever stopped them before.
     Finally my friend turns to his counterpart and says, ".. Well, I am glad that at least you admit Global Warming is a farce'" Stunned, the person comes back with his affirmation that Global Warming is real, the seas are rising and man is the sole cause of it, this is why we need more mass-transit. 
    My friend cooly responded with, ".. Then how can you justify spending billions on a train station that will be under water in 12 years?"

    The ability to hold two diametrically opposed thoughts in one's head while firmly convinced both diametrically opposed thoughts are true.

    That one statement has had me thinking about something related to this issue of Global.. er.. Climate Change. Considering many cities are located along coastlines in primarily Democrat held states why haven't those Democrat controlled states begun preparing for this inevitable doomsday? Why are sea walls not under construction? Have we begun to encourage citizens to move out to higher ground?
    There seems to be lots of money spent on 'infrastructure'. Why? If Climate Change is such an existential threat and sea levels will flood out major coastal cities; why do we spend tax payer money on highway projects in Boston, New York, DC? Why such a push to install wind turbines offshore to power these sunken cities?
    None of it makes any sense.

    In addition: I have always wondered how is it we are still destroying the environment? Did we not pass sweeping legislation in the 70's requiring emission controls on cars, factories and homes? The Clean Air and Water Act date back to the 60's along with the EPA. Haven't they cracked down on polluters? Haven't they made the regulations more restrictive each year? 
    What are you telling me here?
    That it was all a lie? That none of it worked anyway?

    The truth is, yes and no. It WAS a lie... And it worked.

    But a Leftist always has their little red cookbook to answer questions like these.
    'We need to do more'. 
    Be careful when any politician from any party talks about 'doing more'. That usually means they will be picking your pocket soon and taking more of your Liberty away. 

[I]n the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
Socialist Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

    It is easy for an entire Party to go so far as to convince an entire ideologically mesmerized mass of people to believe the Big Lie no matter what that lie entails. A person who supports Clinton, Sanders will support a Liz Warren, John Kerry, Cortez, Schummer, Holchul, Newsom, Biden. 
    It matters not the candidate's individual position because they all carry the water for the party. Not so under Conservatism (specifically Conservatives). Conservatism is worse!

No two Conservative Republicans from any level of office, candidacy, delegation can ever agree on any damned thing ever!

.... And That Is The Diatribe....


In the next segments I will talk in more detail about each of the five points and how they affect the rationale of a Leftist.  As I stated before it is a closed loop system. You will discover at the end how the entire thing is connected.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts...

    In relation to my blog on the subject of The Five Points of Liberalism I have come across some interesting examples of those five points in play, right now, as we speak.

    Example #1; Selective Outrage/Compartmentalization
    Bush was an idiot because he DIDN'T watch cable news.
    Trump is an idiot because he DOES watch cable news.
    Trump was not serious about his run for office by claiming Oprah would be a good running mate.
    At the Golden Globes, The Media is all excited about Oprah running for President.
    Trump really did not want to win the Presidency but he somehow colluded with the Russians to win an election he did not want.

    Example #2; Cognitive Dissonance
    No one has ever examined Pres. Trump for mental instability but Professors and Yale Legal Assistants (who never examined him) are convinced he is insane.
    A book written by an already derided author for falsifying stories runs off the shelf at book stores. The author admits parts of it are untrue. Every one who read the book is convinced the book is true.

    Example #3, Acceptance of The Absurd
    Trump IS insane even though no actual Doctor has examined him.
    The Wolff book is true even though the author himself claimed to the contrary and multiple sources have dicreditted him.
    Trump DID collude with the Russians even though he never really wanted to win the election.
    Trump is a billionaire who never released his tax records and cannot possibly relate to the average American.
    Oprah is a billionaire who never released her tax records but IS able to relate to the average American.

    As I continue to write this multi-piece blog I will use these examples (and others as time goes along) to further explain the Five Points. Until then you can see the opening piece on
