It has become obvious to me that there may be no other redress of the grievances inflicted upon the people of the United States aside from insurrection, usurpation of the established Federal Government and an immediate return to the core values of The United States Constitution.
The only problem we face is that any armed conflict will not be contained with the enemy being the Government itself. Many of the citizens are perfectly happy living as serfs and beneficiaries of governmental largesse and its welfare system. Any conflict can easily become a wider civil war drawing out the length of such an event and the casualty rate of such an event. In short, It won't be just law enforcement and Government Institutions as our main obstacle, but a large back up contingent of welfare recipients and Socialist ideologues who think this whole idea of government intrusion in our lives is (in the words of George Carlin), ‘..Just dandy!”
The importance of constant pressure on all our elected officials cannot be stressed enough. If they continue to act as if everything is business as usual, Future Tea Party events could become recruitment stations for an upcoming war. Though, I do not profess such an idea it may happen by default if things continue unabated. More Americans are getting involved and this movement towards Liberty is growing every year regardless of the insults and lies of Lame Stream Media.
“You can blow out a candle, but you can’t blow out a fire. Once the flames begin to catch, only the wind will blow it higher..” Peter Gabriel, ‘Biko’
The obvious lament of our government to label us as extremists is not a symptom of what is wrong with our movement but an affirmation that we are growing stronger. And they now fear us. We have reached parity. When government fears the people, there is Liberty.
In his piece written for ‘Renew America ’, Henry Lamb tells of the pivotal time the Tea Party has brought us to and how consistency must be the watchword for the next decade, at least.
"...The rise of the Tea Parties is evidence of a growing rebellion
amongst the people unwilling to accept this current reality. This is
a time of great opportunity or great danger. The future cannot be
left to any political party, but guided by solid, proven principles.."
The insults upon the intelligence of citizens are rapidly gaining in strength and rates of occurrence. Lamb points to the transgressions of the recent TSA violations of personal space and dignity while the Government, at large, leaves gaping holes in our border due to environmental regulations and ignores and impugns upon State's Rights defending their territorial borders. Add to this the NSA, use of drones on American soil, how laws are passed despite overwhelming American non-support and the stark militarization of law enforcement to enforce those laws.
Further insults are disguised under the banner of Hate Speech. Free speech and Hate Speech are dictated under the guidelines of Political Correctness and fear of Ethnic backlash, especially any critical analysis of Islam or Blacks. I always post on my Facebook how certain crimes against humanity are perpetrated by these two groups. I have had dozens of people call me racist despite the fact that these things keep occurring over and over and over and over ... Again!
The International Free Press Society has listed many double standards in regards to critiques of Islam on Western European Nations in a meeting of fifty-six nations comprising the Organization of Islamic Conference. In 2008 this conference gathered to discuss a ten year plan to eliminate any critical views of Islam by any one, any press agency, any government. Under the universal threat of being labeled a racist, the OIC has enacted laws that has put some journalists under arrest and awaiting trial simply for pointing out violence committed by Islamic Terrorist Groups. The push in the United States to allow Shar'iah Law to exist within (and immune from) State and Federal laws grows at a rapid rate. No similar Christian protections exist, Later Day Saints Fundamentalists are routinely arrested for their practice of Bigamy. Muslim husbands and Fathers can beat, rape, sell, kill their wives and daughters with no fear of justice. But a secular couple have a simple argument and the wife has Domestic Violence laws at her whim and disposal.
Our Congress has openly discussed and has passed legal definitions that separate journalists from daily bloggers, or, ‘citizen journalists’ under who is entitled legal protection under the First Amendment.
What I am writing here is basically against the law now.
We constantly garnish every new law with nice sounding names. They are anything but nice. Virtually every law, regulation passed since Wilson has done two things and two things only; 1;To suppress individuality, personal responsibility and Liberty . 2; To find a way to tax us to pay for it's enacting and perpetuation. In fact almost all these "Acts" have built in clauses so they may be revisited from time to time to strengthen them. Some just get tougher by the language inserted into the original law. Any call from the citizenry to repeal an outmoded law is met with a phalanx of protestors and the lawyers who are all on the payroll of these regulatory entities. Just look at the busses that roll in when a state tries to curtail Union costs. i.e. Madison Wisconsin.
Up until Booth plugged a bullet into old Abe's head, virtually every law passed
was designed to further the rights of ALL Americans
The EPA was formed to protect the environment, yet, under the this agency the environment is the least of their worries when it comes to oil and gas leases on Government land and timber leases in National Parks. If you can pay for the rights, you get a free pass. Try to put in a lawn on your property and you become a felon.
In Rand Paul’s book ‘Government Bullies’ he lists case after case of everyday Americans just trying to build a home, clear some land for use, prune some bushes or try to sell organic vegetables at a road side farm stand where the Federal and State agencies have destroyed these people’s lives. My own city vegetable garden came under scrutiny in 2013 when I decided to donate my extra produce to a local Senior Citizens Center.
The Department of Education should not even exist. This is a State's Right issue, if not a local city and community issue. Not one initiative has done anything to improve the quality of public schools but has institutionalized, standardized and sanitized the educational experience. This further erodes individuality and Liberty of young minds. Unions, in the pocket of both parties, has corrupted the system of education and its quality. Here again, any talk of a reform is met with feverish rancor from Teacher's Lobbyists.
Anything to keep the slow creep to Socialism alive.
As Common Core launches for 2013 it becomes the final nail in the coffin where parents and local school boards decide what is best for their community. The Federal government now makes that decision despite two laws passed that specifically forbid this. Any attempt from parents to oppose, question, demand answers, demand accountability from our school officials is now met with police brutality.
Do not get me started on police brutality in and of itself. I am trying to keep this article short. But did you know that from 1970-1990 there were an average of 300 incidences where SWAT needed to be called in nationwide. It would fluctuate from year to year but held steady around 300 per year. From 2002-2013 that number has risen to almost 150 per day across the United States . And innocent Americans are being killed as a result.
This pressure must be kept on the burner. It must also have the heat turned up and expose any example of corruption and partisanship. We must take a play from the Socialist handbook of Cloward and Piven. We Conservatives must ‘overwhelm the system’ with example after example of the reality of what has become of America . The advent of Cable news, the internet has exploded with good and bad examples of a new surge of information and freedom of thought. Is it any wonder legislators have time and time again called for internet regulation and taxation. Senator Rockefeller once called for the elimination of FOX News; again, disguising his rhetoric with the sinister statement, "..So we can get on with the work of the Congress". The Fairness Doctrine, dissolved during Reagan, is always coming up in Senate Hearings to be resurrected. I mean, God forbid the nation should keep tabs on it's elected officials, right?. I will refer you back to Congress’ recent rulings on journalists. Now, race and gun violence have become a new tool to rally the base for further dissolution of our inalienable rights.
We see it everyday. We know this is going on. They know it is going on! Hell, they are the arbiters of it all!
We have history as our yardstick and example as our proof.
The hatred and lies spreading towards a populist movement are moraly indefensible. Our government is not a representative government. Nor has it been for quite some time now. The hatred and discrimination towards our Armed Services hasn't been this bad since Vietnam. The acceptance of a gaping wound on the Southern border, rewriting our history to salve ethnic members of our society, tolerating the intolerable are all symptomatic of a nation in identity crisis and is now ripe for the final chapter of Socialism to be written and the iron clad lockdown of its doctrine which will be our undoing.
... And That Is The Diatribe....